Chapter 8 - Churchill

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Unknown Person's Point Of View

My legs ache and are close to being numb as my muscles continue to twist and spasm from the non stop running.

My pant legs are wet from running in the cold, slushy snow. The tears spill from my eyes like a rushing river, and run down my face like a waterfall. My chest moves up and down as my lungs heave open and shut, burning as I breath in and out.
My head is pounding as I gasp frantically, my body struggling for every breath that I attempt to take in.

I can no longer run, but I can hide.

The echoes of their voices frantically search for me, bouncing off from the dark and wet alleyway walls, all while the painfully restless voices of the ones who were once here continue to wave rapidly throughout my mind.

My heart beats rapidly, with every shadow that I catch a glimpse of, as my eyes dart around every nook, cranny and corner of the alleyways.
My mind is screaming with every sound that I hear, for I am scared of what will happen if they find me.

I feel like a wild animal knowing not that they're being hunted, but they know that if they get caught by whatever is after them, they're a goner.
It is not determination to escape that keeps them running from the unknown, nor is it fear.
It is if.
It is the uneasy feeling of the unknown future that awaits them if they get caught.

For if they find me, they will bring me back and continue to torment me while saying

"It's all for God."

What scares people is not the fear of getting caught, no it is the
fear of what awaits them.
For they do not know what the result may be if they get caught.
People are not afraid of specific things, they are afraid of the consequence of if.


???: "Where did that divine child go?"
????: "Divine child my butt. Father should have let that rat stay on the streets. He would have made a good service boy hehe..."
?????: "Helios, come on out! We were just kidding around!"

As the voices grew closer I walked backwards until something stopped me.

???: "Hehe... I've got you now rat boy."

"No! Let go of me!" I pushed him away and took off, hoping to find maybe even just one nice person in this town to save me today.

Aisha's Point Of View

"Hey, Jack?" I called.

"Yes, m'lady?" Jack asked.

"What is the town like?" I asked.

"Although it's winter the town would still be lively this week with the
Winter Festival.
The festival consisted of commoners trying to make a living selling goods at stalls in hopes of selling things and making money from aristocrats.
The town is filled with many things that consist of different smells, colors, patterns, advertisements, foods and music.
Along with entertainers such as fortune tellers, gypsies, adult entertainers, and of course, priests and church folk to spread their passion for God." Jack replied.

We stopped at a small stable and Jack tied the horse.
"Allow me to help you down, m'lady."
Jack smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and carefully placed me down.

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