Chapter 19 - Unrequited Love***

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In the dimly lit room, my hands trembled as I folded the notes and stored them all away within my mother's diary.
My heart raced with each revelation, the weight of the words settling heavily upon me. Her elegant handwriting told a haunting tale of secrets long buried beneath this estate.

As my eyes traced the words detailing my mother's connection to the illegal drug trade, my breath caught in my throat. The carefully sculpted image of my mother as a gentle and refined woman shattered before me. The notes painted a stark contrast, revealing a woman entangled in a world of intrigue and danger.

My mind raced, struggling to reconcile the loving imagined situations of my mother with the new knowledge from the diary entries .
I pictured my mother's warm smile, now tainted by the shadows of a double life.
Questions swirled in my mind, and a mixture of disbelief, anger, and sadness churned within me.

Tears welled up in my eyes after reading the notes, discovering the involvement of my mother's family, the Jordan's, in the illicit trade. The very name that had once stood for honor and nobility now echoed with a sinister undertone. I felt a knot in my stomach, torn between the desire to shield my mother's legacy and the need to uncover the truth.

In the midst of my turmoil, I clutched the notes against my chest, feeling the weight of my mother's secrets press upon me. The candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls, mimicking the uncertainty that now clouded my world. With each passing moment, my determination grew stronger, to unravel the mysteries of my family's past and confront the truths that lay hidden beneath the layers of deception.

I felt the diary shake so I opened it.

I flipped through the pages, they were filled with new entries.

"More entries?" Helios asked

"Yes, indeed..... There are more...." I sniffled.

"Go ahead and read them." Jack demanded.

I started from the first entry and began to read aloud,

Dear Diary,

Today marked the beginning of my treatments with James.
His presence was like a gentle ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds of my mind. He listened earnestly as I poured out my thoughts, my anxieties, my fears.
His kind eyes never wavered, and I felt a warmth in his presence that I hadn't experienced in a long time.
Could it be possible that he truly cares? The way he offered a reassuring smile when I faltered made my heart flutter with a hope I had long abandoned.

I hope for this to not be an illusion.

- Ashley Jordan Savelli

I flipped to the next page,

Oh, dear Diary,

James has a way of soothing my troubled mind. Our conversations flow like a calm river, and his words are like balm for my wounded soul.
Today, he gently suggested techniques to cope with my anxieties, and I couldn't help but notice how his voice seemed to carry an extra ounce of concern. Is it just my imagination, or does he truly care about my progress?
The way he lingers a moment longer after our sessions makes my heart skip a beat.

Dr. Estridsen's unwavering support has become a lifeline.
His encouragement and understanding have helped me navigate the labyrinth of my mind. He's the only one who truly sees me, who hears the whispers of my heart. I've begun to believe that he cares about me, not just as a patient but as a person. The way he takes an extra moment to ask about my day, the concern that lingers in his eyes-it's as if he's become the anchor in a sea of chaos.

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