Chapter 21 - Therapy

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Bill's Point Of View

Suddenly, I experienced a jolting sensation, causing my body to jerk, and I found myself abruptly awakened. My heart raced at profound speeds, beating with an intensity that reverberated through my chest. Catching my breath proved to be a challenge, as a surge of emotions inundated me simultaneously, creating a whirlwind of feelings that left me trembling.

I looked over and I found myself in the same place I started, Estridsen's office.

"Estridsen, it's been a while since we last discussed the dreams I've been having, but during this session, something profound has occurred this time and I feel compelled to share with you.
Ashley has appeared to me once again in the realm of dreams, and this encounter has taken a surprising turn." My voice hitched, the conversation and my wrongdoings of the past physically feeling like a hard pill to swallow.

Estridsen reached over to the table beside him and grab those two glasses from last time along with alcohol once again.

"Before we go any further, let's have a drink." Estridsen sighed.
He poured the two glasses and then walked over to me and handed me a glass. "A toast, to a hopefully speedy recovery for you, Bill." Estridsen slightly smiled and with that I quickly gulped half of the alcohol down, the light burning sensation getting to me and then placed the cup back down.

I sighed, "In this latest dream, the atmosphere was different. There was an aura of peace and understanding that I hadn't experienced before. Ashley looked at me with eyes filled with compassion, a stark contrast to the times when she was alive, and our relationship was marked by strife and grief. It was almost as if the pain of our past had dissipated, replaced by a sense of forgiveness."
In the back of my mind, I grappled with an overwhelming sense of bewilderment, struggling to comprehend Ashley's act of forgiveness. Questions relentlessly swirled within me, tormenting my soul.

"Estridsen, I don't understand it. Was she perhaps testing the depths of my remorse? Or was she deliberately provoking me to confront the depths of my grief? Did she possess an innate understanding of my tendency to overanalyze every facet of this poignant encounter, knowing full well that it would linger in the recesses of my mind, replaying endlessly and casting a shadow over the days yet to come?"
Such thoughts consumed me, stirring a tempest of emotions that threatened to engulf me entirely.

"She spoke to me, Estridsen, in a voice that resonated with tranquility.
She uttered words that I never expected to hear, words that echoed through the dream and lingered long after I woke." I sighed.

"Well, what exactly did she say to you?" Estridsen asked, his eyebrow cocked.

"Ashley said that she hates me, but she forgave me for all the grief that I caused her while she was alive. The weight of those words, the relief they brought, is indescribable.
It's as if she's still here with me, but not in the physical sense.
No, it's more ethereal than that. Ashley appears to me in a realm beyond the world that you and I walk in, and she speaks to me with a serenity that I never experienced when she was alive. She tells me that she forgives me for all the grief I caused her during our time together. I don't understand how someone can be so selfless." I leaned back with a heave.
Estridsen looked at me blankly until finally he opened his mouth to speak,
"And how does that make you feel, Bill?" He asked.

For a moment I went silent, many emotions and thoughts ran through my head,
"I find myself torn between emotions, gratitude for the forgiveness she's offered and a haunting reminder of the mistakes I made. The dreams have become a canvas for the revisiting of my past, but this time, with the promise of absolution. It's a double-edged sword, as the relief of forgiveness is intertwined with the somber reflection on the pain I once inflicted." I gritted.

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