Chapter 20 - Confrontation

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Bill's Point Of View

As I arrived back at my doorstep, I stepped out of the carriage and gazed at my home. With a grateful smile, I entered my house.

"Allow me to take your coat, sir." Said Davidson.

"Where are the kids, Davidson?" I asked.

"They should be asleep, sir. They all went to bed without eating so I left water and snacks in each bedroom in case they got hungry." Davidson smiled.

"I'm going to bed, Davidson." I sighed.

"Do you need any help, sir?" He asked.

"No, I will be okay." I replied and I made my way up to my chambers.

These wretched hallways made me feel uneasy from all of the unsettling memories and events that have taken place within this very house.
I finally reached my door and stepped in.
With a heavy sigh I took off my shoes and coat and made my way to change.

Looking in the mirror I saw a sad, pathetic man that stood before me.
With a sigh I walked over to my bed, finally ready to get some peace and sleep.

I felt warm rays of sunlight seeping through my eyelids and I opened my eyes.
When I opened them, I found myself outside, somewhere during the spring.
The flowers were bloomed, birds were singing, and the air was potent with a sweet smell, poppies.
I heard sweet, beautiful music sway through my ears, the more it sang, the more I recognized the tune, or rather the angelic voice.
"Your grace." The voice sang so softly but yet so beautifully.

As I looked around, that was when I saw it, an angel. The angel was holding something so close to her chest as if it were a sacred treasure that she was afraid to ever let go of.
As I looked closer, I recognized what she was holding, a baby.
The angel was glowing with light, brighter than the sun itself, shining beautifully like a star, the only star in my world.
The angel lifted her face to finally look at me, smiling,


"Oh my, your grace. It's been so long." Ashley hummed.

"Ashley...." I whispered.

"Your grace, looking back, when we were young, we lived a happy life, didn't we?
I met the man of my dreams; I was rescued; we lived our days with love and had two beautiful children; though Alina is with me now, you see your grace." She looked down holding the child even tighter.
The child had beautiful, dark blue eyes and fluffy white hair.

"Ashley....." I croaked.

She placed the baby back into the cradle and made her way closer to me.
As she stood before me her arms latched over my shoulders, her fingers twiddling through my hair.

"Please, don't cry.
Tell me what's going on in your world.

Nina, I bet she has done a great job keeping the house stable, right?
Ah! And Jackson is probably a doctor now too, isn't he?
I bet he takes after his mother looks more and more each day.
Oh, Jackson and Aisha should be closer now, shouldn't they?
They must be so happy together.
I knew you wouldn't let me down."
Ashley smiled as she placed her hand on my face, making my lips quiver.
The feeling I was feeling, I didn't know if I felt sad, happy or guilty seeing her, maybe a mix of all three.

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