Chapter 22 - The Box Of Memories

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The relentless howling of the wind reverberated through the night, its force crashing against my window like waves against a rocky shore, disrupting any hope of sleep. Restlessness seized me, driving me out of bed to confront the lockbox resting beside my nightstand. With a resigned sigh, I acknowledged that the time had come to dive into its secrets, my mother's secrets that is.

With cautious precision, I inserted the key into the lock, feeling the weight of anticipation as the mechanism yielded to my touch. Slowly, I lifted the lid, revealing its clandestine contents: a collection of meticulously labeled prescriptions nestled alongside a neatly folded paper. My fingers trembled slightly as I reached for the note, unfolding it with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

Printed words greeted my gaze, bearing my mother's name as if whispered by a ghostly echo:
"Patient: Ashley Savelli.
Directions: One dosage of laudanum and one dosage of opium per day. Twice daily. Followed by verbal therapy."
The words hung in the air, their significance sinking in with each passing moment, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my consciousness.
Another note was in the box so I grabbed it,

Date: April 9

Patient: Ashley Savelli

Medical Notes:

Mrs Ashley Savelli presents with symptoms of severe delirium, marked by agitation, confusion, and hallucinations. Upon examination, it is evident that her condition is deteriorating rapidly, with increased restlessness and disorientation.

Considering the severity of her symptoms and the limited treatment options available, I have prescribed opium to alleviate her distress and induce a state of sedation. Opium, though potent, carries risks of dependence and other adverse effects, but in Mrs Savelli's case, the benefits of temporary relief outweigh the potential drawbacks. Although opium hasn't been synthesized yet, it's the only solution available right now.

It is imperative to closely monitor
Mrs. Savelli's response to the opium treatment, as its efficacy may diminish over time, and there is a risk of exacerbating her condition if the dosage is not carefully regulated.

Additionally, efforts must be made to identify any underlying causes contributing to her delirium, as addressing these factors is crucial for long-term management and recovery.

In conclusion, while opium may provide temporary relief for Mrs Savelli's distressing symptoms of delirium, her worsening condition necessitates vigilant observation and comprehensive medical care to ensure her well-being.

I placed the note down and grabbed the second note,

Date: April 22

Patient Name: Ashley Savelli

Medical Notes:

Mrs. Ashley Savelli presents with symptoms of delirium, characterized by disorientation, agitation, and visual hallucinations. She reports seeing visions of her child, Alina, despite no evidence of the child's presence. It is evident that her mental state is deteriorating, as her hallucinations persist despite treatment with opium.

Upon examination, Mrs. Savelli displays signs of opium intoxication, including lethargy, constricted pupils, and slowed respiration. While opium has been administered to alleviate her delirium, it appears to be ineffective in mitigating her hallucinations.

The persistence of hallucinations suggests a deeper psychological disturbance, possibly rooted in unresolved grief or trauma. Further intervention may be necessary to address the underlying cause of Mrs. Savelli's condition and alleviate her suffering.

In conclusion, Mrs. Savelli's case presents a challenging clinical scenario, necessitating careful observation and consideration of alternative treatment modalities to manage her delirium and alleviate her distressing hallucinations.

(I'm lazy so I'm ending this chapter here. Wooooo cliffhanger~~~~)

Big thanks to my medic brother for being my second fact checker on the medical stuff. I did a lot of research online then went to him to check so thanks broski :)
Also, thanks Bro for the big smart word suggestions too for my writing & helping me write medical notes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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