Chapter Four

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Sarah thought the Hispanic girl sitting next to her in math class would leave her alone. Instead, she kept insisting to talk to her or make excuses to talk to her. It was easier to talk to, what was his name? Danny, yeah Danny, because he reminded her of her brothers.

This girl was obviously spoiled and use to getting her way. Sarah internally sighed, this girl was not going to leave her alone. Mentally preparing her mask Sarah looked at the girl and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I space out a lot. What did you want?" Sarah asked sweetly.

"It's no worries, my name is Paulina, I just wanted to know if you wanted to be my friend, you're pretty enough, and you have a great sense of style!" Paulina said in a shrill annoying voice.

"I don't become friends with random people, with where I am from you would understand trust issues," Sarah said, she had no issues saying she was from Gotham.

"And where are you from?" Paulina asked not really caring.

Sarah smirked, no one ever cared until they heard the name. Gotham was famous for being dangerous, the criminals more well known than the actual heroes. With one word she could establish herself as either a victim or survivor depending on the person who hears it.

"Gotham" Sarah said simply.

Paulina's eyes widened "You poor thing! You must be so happy our esteemed mayor saved you from that horrible place" she nearly screeched.

Ahhh, victim, Sarah could work with this. "It's going to be nice to be able to be out at night," Sarah said softly lowering her voice to sound meek and helpless.

Paulina brought Sarah into a hug and Sarah internally screamed at the sudden contact. However afterward she was left alone the rest of the day, word spreads fast in high school, perfect. The day soon ended and Sarah walked outside to see Vlad at a limo.

Being used to this she just walks over to Vlad and nods at him. She climbed into the car silently, noticing that Danny boy glaring at Vlad. That kid definitely doesn't like Vlad, but he is a bit creepy. Once Vlad got in the car as well Sarah gave him a glare, it was the bat glare she learned from Bruce, Vlad shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"What did I do?" He asked, in the past two days he came to, not fear, but be wary of an angry Sarah.

"Fucking pink!" She bellowed loudly.

"Language Sarah, your 14" Vlad said calmly.

Sarah took a deep breath "Why did your monkey-brained son of a donkey self think that the abomination of pink would be well suited for my complexion." She said harshly.

"Alright.... Maybe cursing here and there is acceptable" Vlad said, not wanting to admit that he had been verbally murdered.

"No more pink. Red, black and purple, that is what I will wear. Put me in pink again and I will replace your toothpaste with superglue" Sarah said seriously.

Vlad nodded knowing she was serious, when he tried to give her a teenage girl's typical room, Sarah hacked into his bank account and donated 20 thousand dollars to a cat shelter. If Sarah didn't want something she made it known, very well known. Vlad considered making a duplicate and overshadowing Sarah, but he decided against that, the backlash from her would be very severe.

Once back home Vlad ordered new clothes for Sarah, in the color preference she provided. Sarah headed up to her room with a walk-in lab instead of a closet. She flopped onto her bed and groaned.


"Danny I must leave, I sensed my creator, I will be back tomorrow morning at the latest" Alice said appearing in front of Danny.

"Before you leave can you give me a bit of help with my math homework?" Danny asked hopefully.

Alice printed out a mathematics formula sheet for Danny "Use the formulas and you should get done with the homework" Alice explained before flying away.

"Dude I think your getting used to Alice being around." Tucker said smiling "just wish she would let me look at how she's running."

Sam shook her head and smacked the back of Tucker's head earning a loud "Hey!" From the techno-geek.

The three smiled and laughed as they spilt off to go home, not realizing that tonight was going to be an interesting one.

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