Chapter Sixteen

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Dick came home from patrol, and patrolling with Danny was different. Danny reminded Dick of himself in many ways. Dick was going to miss the kid when he went back to Gotham.

"Big Brother Dick I assume," Vlad said from Dick's couch.

Dick immediately tensed up and got ready to fight Vlad "I won't let you hurt Sarah!"

"I don't want to hurt her. I just want her to come home" Vlad said standing up "I.... I was wrong," he said, having a hard time.

"From what Danny said about you that must have been hard to say," Dick said, putting his weapons down.

"Im finding a lot of things hard since I took in Sarah" Vlad explained looking sad.

"She has that effect on people, she's not here, I can allow you to meet with her but me, Jason, and Danny all need to be there," Dick said, if Vlad really wanted to help Sarah he would give the man a chance.

"I understand, just tell me where and I will be there," Vlad said expecting distrust.


Vlad sat on the park bench filled with uncertainty and doubt. He wasn't even sure if they would show up but he couldn't afford to not show up. He felt relieved when he saw Danny walking towards him.

"Jason and Dick are securing the perimeter, once they determine it's not a trap Sarah will show up," Danny explained to Vlad.

"It's not a trap but I understand the mistrust," Vlad said calmly.

A few minutes passed and Dick and Jason walked up to Danny. Dick nodded signaling it was clear. Sarah then uncloaked standing behind Danny.

"Sarah" Vlad said softly as he quickly walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Little Falcon."

Sarah hugged back "I thought you wanted me dead," she said her voice full of sadness.

"Never, I went about everything wrong, I just wanted you safe," Vlad said gently rubbing her back.

"In his defense," Danny spoke up from behind Sarah. "Vlad doesn't have the best track record for thinking reasonably."

"Never thought you would defend me, Danny," Vlad said surprised.

"Never thought you would stop hitting on my mom and stop trying to kill my dad, yet here we are," Danny said giving Vlad a pointed look.

Vlad didn't answer as he looked at Sarah "come home, please. Your brothers are welcome too."

Sarah nodded "I want to go home Vladad," she said looking up at Vlad.

"Bruce isn't going to like this" Dick said to Jason, shaking his head.

"Bruce isn't here," Jason said with a smile "let her have this."


"Jason! Sarah! It's time for school, Hurry up or I'll let Dick and Danny eat all the Pancakes!" Vlad called up the stairs.

"Thanks again for the Breakfast Vlad," Danny said as he sat down at the table.

"Do I need to tell your parents to stop storing Ectoplasm with the food? Seems like they never feed you." Vlad said with concern as he looked at how thin Danny had gotten.

Sarah ran down the stairs "no I'll just get in a fight with them again about how ghosts aren't evil then I'll accidentally burn all the food again." Sarah said with a smirk as she sat at the table too.

Jason walked down groggily, "or I can just blow up their kitchen" Jason muttered sitting next to Dick.

It had been a week since Sarah came back and Dick and Jason moved in. Danny came over for meals as Sarah found out he wasn't eating at home. Vlad supported all of them like they were his kids, even helping Danny catch up in school when he was on patrol.

Vlad let them all keep suiting up and going out as long as he could go with them for emergencies. Often he sat back and quizzed them for upcoming tests at school. Vlad was also getting ready for the Arrival of Tim Drake in two days.

"Danny, have you asked Sam out on a date yet?" Dick asked with a smirk.

Danny blushed deeply and everyone knew how he felt about Sam. "Doing it today Dick."

Sarah let out a Squeal "Spooky and Flossy finally getting together!"

Vlad let out a laugh, he wouldn't change this for anything in the world. Everyone was right, Kids change your whole world. It was all thanks to Clockwork he got to meet his kids.

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