Chapter Seventeen

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First Sarah, now Jason and Dick, Bruce was losing it with worry. His kids were going missing one by one. It had been two days since Jason vanished and a day since Dick vanished.

He wouldn't let Tim or Damian leave his sight afraid they would vanish too. The Justice League had gotten involved by searching for Sarah, Dick, and Jason. No luck yet on finding any of them.

Bruce looked over at Tim drinking his coffee and sighed. He didn't know what he would do with himself if Tim or Damian vanished. Bruce looked back at the evidence he had, which was basically nothing when he heard Tim's coffee mug shatter.

Bruce looked back at where Tim was to find him gone. Bruce then frantically turned to Damian; he was still there. Panicked Bruce pulled up the Cave security footage, Tim was there one second and gone the next.


Tim blinked multiple times, did he drink too much coffee? He was just in the Batcave now he was sitting on a park bench in full Red Robin uniform. Tim looked even more confused and the suit was now too big for him.

"Found him!" He heard a familiar voice call from across the park.

Tim turned to see a very young Sarah running towards him with Dick and Jason behind her. She hugged him tightly as Vlad and Danny followed behind them. Tim was now even more confused and definitely thought he had drank too much Coffee.

"Vlad, you're going to have to put him in middle school, he's 12," Sarah said, pulling Tim off the bench.

"Come along Kids," Vlad said with a smile "you have a lot of catching up to do," Vlad said, leading them all to the car.


"And Bruce is freaking out, he's probably worse now," Tim explained after he was filled in on everything.

"We can see him in four years, we can't really do anything now," Sarah explained sadly.

"This Vlad, you trust him?" Tim asked cautiously.

"He's like our second dad Tim," Sarah said with a smile.

"Sarah! Tim! I've got dinner ready!" Vlad called up.

Sarah and Tim came downstairs, Sarah smiled at Danny "dinner here again Spooky" Sarah asked.

"Leftovers are haunted," Danny said with a shrug.

"I'll drive you home after," Dick said to Danny as he sat down.

"What does he mean haunted?" Tim asked, very confused.

"His parents keep Ectoplasm with the food, constantly making the food haunted and inedible. So he often eats with us" Vlad explained to Tim.

"His parents also think his Alter ego is evil and want to dissect him, poor Spooky has a hard life," Sarah said, patting Danny's shoulder.

"You know if you ever feel unsafe in the house you can always come over Danny," Vlad said with a smile.

"Thanks, Vlad but I love my family, hard as they may be to deal with," Danny said with a smile.

"I'm sure they will accept you if they find out. If not, I'll kick their ass and take you to Gotham with me" Sarah said with a smile.

Danny laughed and smiled. He always felt happy around Sarah and her family. He felt at home and with how Vlad changed life seemed to be a dream.

"Don't forget that Date with Sam tomorrow" Dick said with a knowing smirk.

"You're still helping me get ready?" Danny asked nervously.

"Of course kid, I wouldn't change that plan for anything," Dick said, smiling.

Tim found it weird to see everyone getting along so well. No one is at each other's throats, just supporting each other and getting along. Perhaps he could take advantage of these four years as well.

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