Chapter Six

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It seemed all Amity Park could talk about was the flying woman who showed up last night. Reporters are wondering if she's here to help with the ghost problem. The local ghost hunters claim she's a ghost, and the children claim she's a hero.

Sarah smirked as she walked towards her first period of Science while everyone discussed Techna. She sat down at her desk and overheard a dark-skinned teen gushing over Techna. She looked at him and realized he was with that Danny kid last night.

"And her wings were amazingly well built, they folded up behind her but were bigger than a falcon's!" The boy exclaimed excitedly.

"Calm down Tucker." A girl with blonde hair said rolling her eyes "there is no way she actually has wings, the Fenton's said that she's a ghost."

Tucker seemed saddened by this, so Sarah spoke up "you know in Gotham we've seen lots of people with wings, ever heard of Hawkgirl?"

"Yeah but that's an alien." The blonde spoke in a duh tone.

Deciding to drop it she gave Tucker a sorry look before turning her attention to the textbook. Seems that someone wearing a power suit was less likely than a ghost. She would have to prove she wasn't a ghost.


She hated school, the amount of homework that was assigned pissed her off, she walked into the house with Vlad behind her. Vlad stayed silent watching her angrily chuck her backpack into the wall and scream. He just watched her frustration silently, he felt a tug inside him to hug her, without thinking he wrapped his arms around the small girl.

"I hate school" she muttered into his chest.

"Little Falcon.... I shall make some excuse to get you out of homework" Vlad said softly.

"Thanks, Vladad" she muttered her eyelids closing from being tired, she barely slept last night.

Vlad looked down at Sara, no, his daughter, sleeping in his arms. He carried her upstairs and placed her into her bed, pulling the covers over her sleeping frame. He smiled down at her, maybe, just maybe, all he needed was her.


Vlad sat down in his office watching the news, Techna. If she was a stray ghost he wanted her gone, if she was a human, he still wanted her gone. He felt an overwhelming desire to get rid of all ghosts to protect Sarah, Daniel could stay seeing as he wasn't a threat to his daughter.

He knew when she turned 18 she would go back to Bruce, but he could share her. After all both of them would be even more capable to protect her. Vlad still wanted Daniel as a son, Sarah could use a brother.

Vlad sat back in his chair when a bundle of white fur jumped onto his lap "hey Maddie" he said stroking the fluffy cat.

He remembered the first time Sarah saw Maddie, the squeal that girl made nearly broke the windows. To his surprise Sarah loved cats, but Bruce never let her have one. Sarah was heartbroken when Maddie ran away from the girl, after all the white ball of fluff seemed to only like Vlad.

He remembered Sarah's complaining about the unfairness between her and her youngest brother.

"And then I come back from the dead, again mind you, and I see a cat! Bruce let fucking Damian have a cat! Granted I don't hate Damian for it, he doesn't deserve all the hate every else gives him, Bruce spoils the child. I think Bruce believes it will make up for not knowing he had a kid until Damian was 9." Her voice echoed in his head.

She liked to vent to Vlad, he actually listened, even if he was often confused because of future knowledge. He looked down at Maddie again, maybe he should get Sarah a cat. A soft smile spread across his face, Sunday he would take her to an animal shelter, the very same one Sarah made him donate to.


Sarah woke up to Alice opening her window, she blinked tiredly "Alice.... God I was tired.." she mumbled

"It worked out, the kids needed help with homework," Alice responded.

"You're seeming more human, I'll need to make you a body soon," Sarah said crawling out of bed.

"Patrol?" Alice asked already knowing the answer.

"Suit up," Sarah said with a nod.

Once Sarah became Techna she flew out the window into the night sky. 

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