Chapter Nine

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Four years later

Everyone was in a state of panic searching for Sarah, but no one took it harder than Jason and Bruce. They were on the streets every night leaving a trail of mangled thugs trying to find any lead to where Sarah had gone. It had been a week since Sarah had vanished when Jason found a possible lead.

Walking into the warehouse Jason found it-empty, suspicion gripped him. Was he given a false lead? Turning to leave Jason heard a voice.

"Don't leave Zombie boy" a male voice said from behind him.

Jason turned around pointing his gun straight at a blue-skinned floating man. A million questions flew through his mind but Jason focused. This man had called him by the nickname his sister gave him.

"Where is my sister!" He said angrily.

"In danger, she needs a bit of help. So I am recruiting the Red Hood." Clockwork said he had seen a future beginning to solidify, a future where Sarah died.

Clockwork was responsible for Sarah's life in that timeline that he created, so he had to keep her alive. Without giving Jason any time to think clockwork opened the ghost zone portal and pushed Jason in. He knew exactly where to put this angry child.


Present Day

Danny flew far and fast from the school, Sarah was bleeding in his arms. He was quick enough to stop the bullet from hitting her head, but it lodged itself in her shoulder. With his mind racing, Danny flew into Vlad's house, bursting into the man's office holding Sarah.

Vlad's face went pale at the sight, his daughter was bleeding in Danny's arms, Danny himself looked to be in bad shape as well. He quickly walked over and took Sarah into his arms, not caring that he was getting blood on his silk suit. With a quick motion, he strode quickly into his secret lab.

"What happened Daniel?" Vlad asked as calmly as possible, setting Sarah on a metal table.

"The GIW shot her. I don't know why." Danny said scared, he did have an idea why but if Sarah was Techna then Vlad definitely didn't know.

"I will find out why do not worry, I will take care of my daughter," Vlad said his jaw was tightening with every word.

Danny noticed that Vlad did deeply care about Sarah, without another word Danny turned to leave. Danny stopped on the way out, turning around to look at Vlad who was tightly holding Sarah's hand.

"You really care about her don't you?" Danny asked with a small smile.

"With all my heart" Vlad replied.


Plasmius watched the government building burn with a sinister smile, no one hurts his daughter. Not realizing that elderly halfa was being watched he flew away, after all in a few hours he was taking Sarah to the animal shelter. The teenager in a red helmet smiled to himself, he was getting closer to finding his sister.

Clockwork dropped Jason off outside of Amity Park with the explanation that his sister was inside the town and he was 4 years in the past. He figured the vampire man who just blew up a building might know where his sister was, and if he didn't, well Jason was just gonna shoot him. Jason revved the motorcycle he stole and followed the Vampire man.

Vlad entered Sarah's room to check on her, after removing the bullet he found many other fresh injuries all over her. He didn't want to pry yet, he figured she would tell him when it was time, Vlad checked her temperature and smiled. He had informed Danny that Sarah was fine and should be back in school on Monday.

"Wake up tomorrow little falcon, I have a surprise planned," Vlad said softly before leaving the room.

Only a small time after Vlad left did Dany and Alice fly in, unaware that a teenager was watching all of this from the nearby tree. Danny landed silently next to the bed and watched worriedly as Alice Scanned Sarah. Alice projected a diagram of Sarah's injuries.

"The wound itself should heal correctly, along with the ecto burn and gash in her leg, the reason for her inability to wake is in her heart implant, it has a radiation leak from overuse," Alice explained to Danny.

"How do we fix that?" Danny asked seriously.

"The implant must be removed immediately, and Protocol 13 must be implemented, but Protocol 13 is incomplete" Alice explained.

"Well I can't let her die, she's my friend, what do we need?" Danny said, looking down at Sarah.

"We need her brother, Jason Todd, but he is currently dead. His Blood contains the Antibodies to complete the Protocol, and we need ectoplasm that has bonded with human DNA." Alice explained.

The window opened and a Teenager in a red helmet Crawled in "I thought I heard my name" he said taking off his helmet, Jason smirked at Alice."It appears we have everything needed, Danny Phantom, meet Jason Todd, Aka Red Hood." Alice explained as the two teens began to work with the AI to save Sarah.

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