Chapter Five

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Sarah was bored, by now she would be on patrol but with Alice still missing that wasn't possible. Sarah just wanted to fly again, it felt wonderful with the wind through her hair and the sight of the world from above. Sarah got off her bed, she was not going to mope around inside again, she was going for a walk.

She walked into Vlad's office "yo Vladad, I'm going for a walk" she said simply trying out her nickname for Vlad.

"Vladad?" Vlad questioned amused.

"Everyone gets a nickname, that's yours" Sarah explained.

Vlad nodded "be safe out there, if any ghosts bother you tell them you're a Master's." Vlad said smiling.

Sarah nodded and left calling over his shoulder "that's 3 checks for you being a villain Vladad, and one check for being a good guy!"

Vlad laughed, Sarah was a pain but she had this brightness about her that made him care for her. Not that he would ever admit that. Sarah was becoming an actual daughter to him now.


The sun was beginning to set when Sarah sat on the edge of the water fountain. She breathed in the clear crisp air of Amity Park. It was different from Gotham, safer, peaceful, warmer, and above all lonely.

Sarah missed her 4 brothers, her dad, and she missed her Grandfather Alfred. She missed how the city looked at night from above. She missed the scent of cigarettes and booze in the air at night, she wanted to go home.

Lost in her homesickness Sarah didn't notice the Drone uncloaking in front of her. "Emotional distress detected, Sarah, do you need a flight" Alice spoke making Sarah jump.

"ALICE!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly with a bright smile.

"You missed me. Understandable, I am as you said, your best friend" Alice responded.

"Oh shut it you, suit up," Sarah said using the code word.

Alice left her drone form as the nanotech that made up her body surrounded Sarah. Moments later Sarah was wearing her red power suit and her black wings sat on her back, Sarah looked at the remaining nanobots forming into her black Domino mask in her hand. She put the mask in place and became Techna.

Techna spread out her wings and took to the skies, the wind blowing through her crimson red hair. "Talk to me Alice, where have you been?"

"A few kids found me, I've been staying with them, I will have to be back in the morning. " Alice responded through Techna's ear implants.

"Good idea, stay with the kids, can't let them find out who I am," Techna said as she flew higher into the sky feeling the cold wind against her face.

"I will stay with and protect the children," Alice responded as Techna reached the height she wanted.

Techna looked down at the city below, it certainly wasn't Gotham, but it had its beauty as well. Techna tapped into the police scanner listening for anything happening. The scanner was decently quiet, until she heard it, robbery in progress.

A smile spread across her face, it was simple but enough, a junkie was robbing the local fast food joint, Nasty Burger. She dove down from the sky before opening her wings at the last second catching the air and soared straight towards the Nasty Burger. She landed with a soft thud outside the door and took out her staff.

The door dinged as Techna walked in, the junkie turned his gun on her, leaving the terrified employee alone. "It's going to be okay," Techna said softly to the employees in the back.

Techna: A Phantom's FateWhere stories live. Discover now