Chapter Twenty-two

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For the last two days, everyone had a plan. Danny, Sam, and Tucker would take the Lich King's attention. Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, and Red Robin would set up the trap. Ruby and Vlad would assist Danny, and Constantine would get his entrapment spell ready.

Sarah would force the ghost into her; no one but Ruby and Constantine knew this. Ruby planned to stop Sarah from doing this, Ruby didn't know how but she was determined to figure something out. Her brothers were 3 hours out, she hoped they would get here in time.

That hope was killed when the ground rumbled, the Ghost was back. Sarah and even that had identity-concealing suits, suited up. Everyone got into their places, and the plan started.


"Is the trap ready?" Techna asked Constantine as she flew down.

"Almost, remember to gain enough control to get right here," Constantine said to Sarah as he set up the last bit of the trap.

"I remember what you taught me," Sarah said flying off.

"I really hate this plan" Constantine muttered.


"Now Sarah!" Constantine yelled as he finished the trap.

Sarah flew directly into the Ghost before anyone could stop her. A black Impala pulled up just as she did this. Everyone screamed her name as the ghost was forced to possess the flying redhead.

"TECHNA!" Danny yelled out.

"God damn it Sarah no!" Ruby yelled out angrily.

Ruby's brothers got out of the Impala seeing the child gets possessed, both didn't know what to do. Jason and Dick watched in horror as Sarah did this, tim and Damian were thankful out of the area so they missed it. Sarah fought control over her body and won.

Flying fast into the trap, Constantine began his spell. Everyone ran trying to stop him but he finished the spell before they could. Sarah and the ghost possessing her fell into a red void.

Ruby punched Constantine as soon as she reached him "Why did you fucking let her!"

"There wasn't anyone else who could, do you think I liked that!" Constantine yelled.

"Bring her back now!" An angry Vlad yelled getting closer.

By this point, the brothers had gotten closer to the group and saw the angry group. Vlad in ghost form about to kill Constantine, Constantine igniting a fireball in his hand, Phantom in between them trying to stop a fight. A very angry Jason waved around a gun, and Ruby screamed about how Sarah did something stupid.

"Where is she?" Dean asked, walking towards the group.

"Hell, the deepest pit of hell, Lucifer gets a new bunkmate for a few years." Constantine said dusting himself off, "there's only one day ill be able to bring her back, I've already told Sarah this."

Dean punched Constantine "YOU PUT A KID IN HELL!"

"Bloody hell you Winchesters love punching" Constantine grumbled.

"You put my sister in fucking hell!" Jason screamed angrily.

"She agreed to this! She volunteered!" Constantine exclaimed, "I can bring her back in three and a half years"

"Then I will be there," Ruby retorted.

"If you don't bring her back I will personally send you to hell myself," Jason said angrily.

Everyone left angry at Constantine, but mainly they were worried for Sarah. Even the brothers who never met the girl were worried, a child was now stuck with a powerful ghost and the Fucking devil for 3 years. Dean was going to talk to his Angel Friend and see if he could do anything sooner.

Amity Park was saved, but at a great cost. A serious gloom covered the town as its heroes and ghosts didn't engage in their normal banter or antics. Soon three years passed and with the day fast Approaching everyone got excited.

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