Chapter Eleven

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Dick looked confused at the drone, he had only just left the Nasty Burger, and here was his sister's drone. Alice hovered silently in front of Dick her processor trying to figure out how he got there. Searching through the information she had Alice knew that Dick didn't arrive the same way Sarah and Jason did.

"Welcome to Illinois Dick," Alice said as she hovered closer.

"Alice? So Sarah is here?" Dick asked, already expecting the answer.

"She is, and so is Jason, he arrived a few hours ago." Alice explained before starting to hover away "Follow me, I must set up your identity."

"Jason and Sarah are here! Where?!" Dick exclaimed following the drone.

"Not yet, the timeline is still intact, we must be careful," Alice told Dick.

"Timeline?" Dick asked, confused.

"You're 18 again, Sarah is 14 and Jason is 16. Sarah is in high school with a guardian, and Jason is in school as well with an apartment, now we must get you situated." Alice said, starting the process.


Jason walked into his newly provided Apartment, he let out a low chuckle at how it looked. Old furniture with holes in it, peeling paint from the walls, cracked windows. He felt at home, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke helped with that.

Alice sure knew what he wanted, Sarah programmed that drone right. He had the day to get settled in before starting High School, but he never got a chance to finish it, much like Sarah, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He would have to see his sister soon, seeing her in that bed wounded and dying was something he didn't want to see again. This life was a hard one for the family, but Jason now had 4 years for him and his sister to have a second chance at a childhood.

"I'll see ya soon Silverbell" Jason muttered sitting on his worn couch.


Danny sat in his room, He thought his life was complicated enough being a half-ghost, but now his friend Techna was a time-traveling super genius that got adopted by his greatest enemy. Then the appearance of her brother also from the future, someone was messing with time and he only knew of one ghost capable of doing so.

He stood up, it was time to pay Clockwork a visit. Quickly changing into Phantom he was determined to figure out the truth behind this family of time travelers. Without hesitation, he entered the ghost zone like he had done many times before.

Arriving at clockwork's tower Danny found the ghost watching Sarah. She was eating breakfast with Vlad, there was also another viewing screen that showed Jason sleeping on a couch. The third screen showed a man who looked similar to Jason talking to Alice.

"What are you doing Clockwork?" Danny asked frustrated.

"Changing your fate" Clockwork replied stonily.

"Why are you bothering this family?" Danny asked getting angry.

"Sarah Silver, Techna, daughter of Batman." Clockwork pointed to Sarah. "Jason Todd, Red Hood, son of Batman" clockwork pointed to Jason. "Dick Grayson, Nightwing, son of Batman" he pointed at Dick. "These three will change your fate and will survive doing so."

"What do you mean?" Danny calmed down a little.

"In five months something will come for you, if I left things alone, you and everyone would die. If I warned you, your family would die. However, if I brought in Sarah and her family, no one would die." Clockwork explained looking at Danny.

"Who else should we expect to show up?" Danny asked understanding Clockwork would do what he thought was right.

"In a month Tim Drake, Red Robin. In two months, Damian Wayne, Robin." Clockwork explained, "all will be here until 2 weeks after Sarah vanished from her time, I'm giving them a second childhood in exchange for their service."

"Im telling them to direct all complaints toward you," Danny said leaving.

Danny got home and called his friends explaining what he discovered. They decided to get the siblings together and explain everything. Sam was in charge of getting Dick, Tucker had Jason, and Danny decided to get Sarah.


Im back, I'm sorry it's been so long, life got hectic but Techna will be making a comeback I promise. -Luna

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