Chapter 4

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"Merlin! Arthur!" Miriam called as she rushed into her house where Merlin and Arthur were putting on their armour. "They've crossed the river," she informed, and Arthur began to walk out with her.

"Did Morgana not have any spare armour to give you?" he asked as they walked and she smirked at him, wearing nothing but the clothes she had the previous day, along with her new sword at her waist.

"Nope, figured the King's Ward needed it more. Besides, I've fought Kanen without armour before, I'll fight him just fine right now. Why, you worried about me?"

"Yes. Now that I've met you, I don't know how I've put up with the worse sibling for so long," Arthur joked with a smile, making the girl laugh before Arthur began to shake hands with some of the men they were fighting with, wishing them well and returning their cheers for Ealdor.

And then he turned to Miriam.

"Scared?" he asked as he offered her his hand and she gave him a wicked grin before she shook it, skin rather soft on hers.

"Never. I'm looking forward to kicking Kanen where it hurts."

"Good, now get into position. Wait for my signal."

"If you're looking for someone to serve you, you've got the wrong sibling."

Arthur chuckled as he gave her a small push.

"Go," he urged before he and Merlin got into their positions.

It was finally showtime.

And despite telling Arthur otherwise, her heart was in her throat as she pressed her back against the wall, waiting with her team for the Prince's signal.

But as she swallowed her heart, it hammered with fear as she saw Merlin run across the battlefield, dodging arrows before the wall of fire rose and Miriam could breathe a little easier.

"NOW!" Arthur's voice rang out and Miriam jumped out from her hiding place.

"ATTACK!" she screamed and they charged as the rest of the villagers sprang from their own hiding places.

Miriam was covered in blood when the wind came, both hers and that of their enemies.

Arthur had to admit, she fought without armour, without formal training, and she fought better than most knights he'd ever seen.

But when the wind came, a small twister of dust and straw flew about, so strong that it knocked some men to the ground, and blew even more away and off their horses.

Arthur even yielded his shield to Miriam to help block the gale as he looked over to where Will and Merlin were standing in confusion.

And the village of Ealdor cheered as all of Kanen's men were driven away.

But one was still left behind.

"PENDRAGON!" Kanen called as he ran at the prince.

Arthur ducked Kenan's first swipe before their swords clashed.

"Arthur!" Miriam called as she tossed him his shield, the blond knight catching it just in time for Kanen to kick it and send Arthur stumbling.

But their battle didn't last long before Arthur stabbed the tyrant, his blade going clean through Kenan's chainmail and sending him falling to the floor.

"Who did that?" Arthur demanded as he approached Will and Merlin.

"What?" Merlin asked.

"Wind like that doesn't appear from nowhere. I know magic when I see it. One of you made it happen," Arthur said, anger on his face.

"Arthur," Merlin began calmly, ready to admit everything, but movement behind Arthur stopped them.

"Look out!" Will yelled as he pushed Arthur out of the way of an arrow the Kanen fired from a crossbow, the man not quite dead yet.

"WILL!" Merlin screamed as he ran for his friend while Miriam lifted her sword and threw it, the blade impaling Kanen in the heart as he collapsed for the final time.

And the battle was over.


Will was dead.

The damage the arrow he took had done was irreversible.

He'd also confessed to being the sorcerer that conjured the winds that helped them win the battle, saving Merlin's behind.

But Arthur was not pleased that Merlin kept such a secret from him. Miriam understood his displeasure, but she was disgusted that Arthur couldn't even wait until Merlin wasn't at his best friend's funeral to bring up the subject.

Miriam was standing with her brother, his hand in hers for support when her mother approached.

"You two should be going now," she said with a sad smile.

"But mother what if-"

"If anything were to happen-"

"If anything bad happens, then I know where to find you both. Go. You both belong there," she said with a small smile, cutting off both her children.

"I've never even been there before," Miriam pointed out.

"But you don't belong here. Your heart yearns for adventure that this quaint village can't offer you. Go."

Heeding her mother's word, later that afternoon, Miriam gathered what little belongings she had and mounted her brother's horse, gripping him tightly.

And to Camelot she went.

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