Chapter 115

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As the king and queen prepared for war, Merlin had asked Gwaine to escort him to The Valley of the Fallen Kings.

If this war was to be Arthur's last stand, then Merlin needed to get his magic back and the only place he could do that was in the birthplace of magic itself. In the Crystal Cave.

Arthur had been rather saddened and annoyed that his friend and brother would not be accompanying them, but Miriam reminded him that Merlin would not leave them unless it was for a good reason, even if the one he gave them was absolute rubbish.

In the meantime, Camelot and their army had made camp at Camlann, their soldiers scoping out the pass that would decide the fate of their kingdom.

"What is it?" Miriam asked her husband as she leaned on the post of their bed inside their tent, dressed in a tunic and breeches similar to the ones Arthur wore as he sat at his desk.

Arthur rubbed his forehead, displaying the stress his wife could see in his eyes.

"What if Sir Leon was right? Perhaps we should have made our stand at Camelot."

Her arms swung at her side as she took slow steps from the bed to the desk.

"Almost 9 years ago, I was with my mother on our little farm in Ealdor when I received a letter. It was from my brother telling me about his new job as the servant to the Crown Prince of Camelot and do you want to know what it said?"

Arthur couldn't help the smile of intrigue that spread on his face.

"Five years I've been married to you and you've still never told me this."

She grinned as she perched herself on the desk.

"He is said to be the greatest king Albion has ever known and I can see why. He can be stubborn and impulsive, a little like you Mira, but his care for his people is what will make him fulfil that destiny. I've seen him. He's different to his father, better, braver and more importantly kinder. I wish you come to Camelot soon so you can meet him yourself. He might not make the best first impression but there is more to him than what's on the surface. Write soon, Mira. All my love, your brother, Merlin."

Arthur was silent as he let her words wash over him.

"You are a good king, Arthur. Sure, we could've made a stand at the citadel, but at what cost? People seek refuge in the citadel and if Morgana attacks it or takes it, countless would die in the fallout. And you know that if I disagree with a choice you make, I will call you out on it, but I've agreed whole-heartedly. This was the best option with the least amount of causalities."

Arthur stood as he made his way around the desk.

"If you do not doubt me, Miriam, then I do not doubt myself. If you have faith in me then I have faith in myself. And it gives me a strength greater than any weapon," he said as he took her hands before pulling her into a hug, Miriam holding his head to the crook of her neck.

"We should probably get some rest," Miriam said as she pulled back, their hands still interlaced. "Who knows how long this battle will rage?"

Arthur only smirked as he swept his queen off her feet.

"Or, I could spend some time showing you how much I love you."

And, not that she was complaining, but she was left with little choice as he set her down on the bed and their lips met. 

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