Chapter 47

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"I believe this belongs to you," Gwaine said as he walked by Miriam in the lower town, the girl too concerned with her notebook than people around her.

"Well, look who's up and awake. How's the leg?" she asked with a smile as Gwaine placed the flower behind her ear.

"Better thanks to you, I'm told. I almost didn't recognise you with how beautiful you look in this dress. I'm Gwaine, by the way," he said as he shook her hand, Miriam's expression one of intrigue.

"Well, Gwaine, it's kind of frowned upon for a woman to wear pants, especially at court. And my name's Miriam, by the way."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Please, let me carry that for you," Gwaine said as he held a hand out for her bag.

"I'm hardly that beautiful. And weren't you heading in the other direction?" she questioned with a raised brow.

"Whatever direction you go, I will follow," he said, and Miriam laughed as she handed him her bag and they began to walk back to the citadel.

"Your lines, though sweet and flattering, aren't at all working," she chuckled.

"You are worth the try," Gwaine flirted, and she chuckled.

"You are positively shameless, Gwaine. Tell me, is there more to your life than going from tavern to tavern every night?"

"Yes, well there is the chance to meet gorgeous women like you."

Miriam chuckled again as they walked, Gwaine wrapping Miriam's arm around his.

"Tell me something, Miriam, these royals you serve, are they really worth it? No noble I've ever met has been."

Miriam sighed.

"Uther is not. He's had many people, including the people I care about, executed claiming to be doing it for the good of Camelot. He rules with an iron fist," she admitted.

"And Arthur?"

"He is fair and just. He can be an arrogant prat, but he is a good man for the most part."

Gwaine nodded as they continued strolling through the town.

"And is Arthur being good and fair the reason why Merlin warned me not to make advances on you?"

She blushed slightly, her hands still loose on his arm.

"Maybe. Though whatever is between us, it can never be."

Gwaine's free hand covered hers.

"If he truly cares for you, I see no reason why he won't wait until he can change that."

Miriam smiled.

"You are a decent listener, Gwaine."

"Well, it's so very rare to have someone do for me as you have, the least I can do is listen."

"Ok, well now it's my turn. Tell me something about you that I don't already know."

And so, they spent the rest of the trek back to the physician's quarters talking before Miriam went to consult Gaius about a case in the lower town and Gwaine went to the tavern.

Which, in retrospect, wasn't a good idea.


Miriam had been busy with that case in the lower town, Gaius finally helping her diagnose it from her list of symptoms, so she'd only heard snippets of the story until she returned from the lower town, hoping the remedy she supplied worked, and then she got the full tale.

Gwaine had been banished from Camelot.

Apparently, Sir Oswald and Sir Ethan who were in the kingdom for the melee that Arthur was also fighting in, weren't actually Sir Oswald and Sir Ethan. But rather the thugs from the tavern who'd changed their appearance with magic and were planning on killing Arthur in the melee. Merlin had tried to find evidence against them, only to end up almost dying if Gwaine hadn't stepped in to save his life.

Miriam hadn't even gotten to say goodbye to Gwaine, who was an unlikely friend, but a friend, nonetheless.

She even had to miss the melee, which she didn't really want to see, save for finding out if Arthur survived his assassination attempt or not, because the man that had gotten sick in the lower town was still sick.

Turns out she'd missed Gwaine crashing the melee to save Arthur's life.

Uther had been enraged and wanted him executed, especially after it was revealed that two knights died.

He was, however, willing to look over the fact that Gwaine had participated once Gaius revealed the two knight's real identities, but Gwaine was still banished. He might've been able to stay if he admitted and proved that he was of noble birth, but he refused to serve a man like Uther.

At least Miriam saw him this time as she returned from the lower village, the man she was attending to finally healed and back to work.

"At least I got to see you before I leave this time," Gwaine mused as he saw her, and she beamed.

"My thoughts exactly," she replied as they stopped on the same stair. "I'm sorry you can't stay."

"Maybe one day, when Uther is not king, I might," he said hopefully.

"I should hope so, or Arthur will be at the wrong end of my sword," Miriam said as she crossed her arms over her chest and Gwaine chuckled.

"He's a good man, but I'd still pay good money to see you put him in his place."

Miriam laughed as she tapped his chest.

"When he's king and you return, you shall see it free of charge," she said before hugging him, Gwaine's hands in a respectable place as he hugged her back because he was very aware of who watched them from the terrace. "Thank you for saving the man I love," she whispered before she pulled away and Gwaine's smile was sincere.

"You're welcome."

Miriam scoffed, but it was one of surprise.

"You are much more than I expected Gwaine," she said as she kissed his cheek in goodbye, the man leaning into her touch. "I hope we meet again," Miriam farewelled as she lifted her skirts and resumed her walk up the stairs.

"I shall count the days until we do," Gwaine called after her and she smiled broadly at him as she glanced back at him.

And the two went their separate ways, Miriam entirely unaware that Arthur and her brother had seen their entire interaction.

"It's a shame. He would've made a great knight," Arthur said as he watched Gwaine leave.

"Maybe one day he still will," Merlin replied.

"The rules won't allow it. Knights are noblemen. Always have been, always will be. It's a tradition that - they seem very friendly," Arthur almost growled as he leaned on the stone wall of the terrace, observing Gwaine talking to Miriam.

"Why should you care?" Merlin asked with a sneaky smile as Arthur stood straight albeit stammering for an answer.

"I don't," he answered, seeming uncertain as he watched Miriam laugh and place her hand on Gwaine's chest. "She could do better than that!"

"What, she should be setting her sights higher?"

Arthur only shrugged at Merlin's suggestion.

"Oh, but I forget, she can't. A girl of Mira's standing, no. She could never consort with a nobleman. That's the rules. Always has been, always will be."

"Merlin?" Arthur asked.

"Shut up."

Arthur's smile was sarcastic as he nodded.

"You guessed it."

And they both looked down at the scene in time to watch Miriam kiss Gwaine's cheek.

And Arthur shoved Merlin away from the terrace. 

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