Chapter 107

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"Tether the horses here. It'll be quicker on foot," Arthur announced as he stopped and jumped off his horse, Miriam's body gently draped over his horse.

"What about the supplies?" Merlin questioned before he dismounted.

"You'll manage."

"I can't take it all."

"I'll be carrying Miriam," Arthur replied and Merlin chuckled.

"She's half the weight of that lot, even in the armour she's wearing."

"Are you suggesting that I risk the safety of the queen and carry even more?"

"I can take her, and -"

"She's my wife."

"She's my sister."

"You're a servant."

"I'm also a lord."

"Alright, children, enough with your bickering," Gwaine interrupted as he dismounted. "Since you both can't decide, how about I carry the queen and you both can carry the supplies?"

Arthur was about to disagree when Gwaine cut him off.

"Forgive me, your highness, but I think I'm a fair bit stronger than you. Wildfire is in good hands. You two get a head start, scope out the place and clear the way while I tether the horses and follow along with Miriam."

"That actually does sound like a decent plan," Arthur admitted as Merlin unstrapped everything from the horse.

"Alright," Merlin relented as he picked up half, threading the various straps over his body and leaving exactly half for Arthur to carry.

"Better get going then," Gwaine smirked as the king picked up his half and Gwaine began to gently lift Miriam off the horse before setting her down on the ground against a large rock.

"I'm starting to see why you like being right all the time, wildfire," he murmured before he made quick work of tethering the horses. At least until he drew his sword at the sound of hoofbeats grew louder and he stood protectively near the queen, at least until he saw who approached.

"Mordred. What are you doing here?" he questioned as the young knight jumped off his horse and approached Gwaine who sheathed his sword.

"I saw the queen's dress peek out from under that linen tarp. And with the levy route being changed and everyone's strange behaviour, I couldn't help but follow, thought you might need some help."

Gwaine sighed.

"Well, I'm not even too sure I know what's happening but the more the merrier," he said as he reached out to shake Mordred's hand. "Come now. We must catch up to Merlin and Arthur," Gwaine said as he effortlessly scooped Miriam up into his arms, comfortably resting her head on his shoulder.

"What exactly is wrong with the queen?" Mordred asked as they walked, silence having been present until his curiosity got the better of him.

"That's not my story to tell. Only know that if this doesn't work, our queen may be forever lost to the hands of Morgana."

"Morgana?" Mordred questioned with wide eyes but Gwaine said nothing as he looked upon something in the distance.

"What's that on the ground over there?" he asked and Mordred followed his line of sight.

"I don't know," he answered before jogging over to the pile of leather on the ground. "Camelot crests. Were these Merlin and Arthur's supplies?"

"I believe so. The question is though where are they?" Gwaine wondered aloud as he set Miriam gently on the ground.

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