Chapter 30

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Merlin had fallen in love.

A druid girl had been kidnapped by bounty hunters and Merlin had taken it upon himself to help her escape. But in his efforts had ended up falling for the girl he didn't realise was cursed to turn into a beast when the clock strikes midnight. Miriam had been furious because Merlin was so infatuated with her that he was prepared to leave his whole life in Camelot to run away with her, but she didn't stay mad for long when Merlin was devastated by her death, even more so when Arthur was the one that struck the killing blow.

That was in the past however, today the five kings of the five kingdoms would arrive in Camelot for negotiations on a peace treaty. And seeing how one of the kings was bringing his daughter, Gwen was asked to serve her so Miriam was asked to tend to Morgana, the ward not trusting anyone else.

Miriam agreed of course, but she was also required to help Gaius who tended to brew a fair amount of potions to cure headaches induced by too much mead as well as see to their regular patients.

Seeing as Uther thought of Gaius as an advisor as well as a physician, Gaius stood with the king and his welcoming party, his apprentice at his side, her wounded shoulder long since healed by Merlin's magic.

"What kind of welcome is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summer," King Olaf greeted Uther, Arthur walking behind Olaf as he escorted his daughter.

"You are welcome indeed, Olaf," Uther replied before the two kings embraced.

"May I present my daughter, the Lady Vivian," Olaf introduced as the pretty blonde in a pale blue dress curtseyed.

"Lady Vivian. How like your mother you are," Uther admired as he kissed her hand in greeting. "Might I introduce Gaius, the court physician and my trusted advisor and his apprentice, Miriam."

Gaius bowed while Miriam curtseyed, having worn her best dress of green tulle, a birthday gift from Gwen and Morgana, the ward buying the material while Gwen made it.

"Arthur, Miriam, perhaps you could show the Lady Vivian to her chambers?" Uther suggested.

"Certainly father," Arthur said as he took Vivian's hand once more.

"Of course, my lord," Miriam curtseyed again before lifting her own skirts and following Arthur up the palace stairs.

"I hope everything is to your satisfaction," Arthur said as they followed Vivian into her room.

"It's adequate," Vivian replied as she surveyed the room.

"Most of our guests are extremely happy here, I'm sure you will be too," Arthur said.

"I am not most of your guests," Vivian said rather rudely, her back to the duo that shared a glance.

"Indeed," Arthur managed, his hair held down by the embellish gold circlet crown he wore.

"May I present Guinevere. She'll be looking after you for the duration of your stay," Miriam introduced as the girl in question walked in, curtseying to the princess.

"You will want for nothing. She is truly one of Camelot's finest, as is Miriam," Arthur added and Miriam tried not to blush at the compliment.

"Then I fear for Camelot," she laughed as she looked over the two women. "Especially in that outfit," she said as she pointed to Miriam who had to bite down on her tongue as she and Arthur walked out, leaving Gwen to tend to the lady.

As soon as the door was closed and their eyes met, they burst into laughter.

"She is ever the sweet princess everyone speaks about," Miriam remarked as Arthur grinned.

"No doubt about it. I feel bad for Gwen though," Arthur admitted.

"So do I. Also, why did your father ask me to accompany you? I would think that was a task simple enough for the brave prince Arthur to complete on his own?" she teased as Arthur shoved her softly.

"Olaf is absurdly protective over his daughter to an almost ridiculous standard. These peace negotiations are delicate things and with you around, Olaf would feel better about his daughter's safety."

"Fair enough, but is Olaf really that bad about boys around his daughter?"

"Anyone daring enough to even talk to her does so at great peril."

Silence washed over them as they stared at each other before Arthur spoke first.

"I must get ready for the banquet."

"And I must prepare Morgana."

The both of them went in different directions before Arthur called Miriam's name.

"For the record, Vivian was wrong. You look beautiful."

And her smile was bashful as she turned away, not wanting Arthur to see her blush.


"Merlin? What kind of impression do you think this gives?" Arthur asked his servant as he peeked out from behind his changing screen to display the hole in the sleeve of his shirt.

"That we have moths," Merlin joked, but Arthur was far from amused.

"Fetch me another," he ordered as he disappeared again and took the shirt off, throwing it over the screen.

"And who might you be trying to impress, sire?" Merlin asked as he opened Arthur's wardrobe.

"Let me see, perhaps the five kings sitting in the banquet hall below," Arthur retorted as Merlin threw a fresh shirt over the screen.

"Oh! Not the king's daughter then? The Lady Vivian, she is very beautiful."

"Anyone trying to impress the Lady Vivian does so at extreme peril," Arthur said as he came out from behind the screen in his blue shirt. "Olaf would have their head in a vat of hot oil before they'd had a chance to say hello. Besides, she's not my type," Arthur admitted as he put on his overshirt. "She may be beautiful, but she's incredibly rude. You should've heard what she said to Gwen and Miriam."

Merlin's lips lifted into a smirk as he brushed Arthur's jacket.

"And anyone insulting my sister does so at extreme peril."

"What?" Arthur asked lowly.

"Nothing. I just know how you feel about her is all. That is if your feelings haven't changed, as I presume they haven't and they better haven't, seeing as my sister seems to really like you. Why, is beyond me though," Merlin rambled.

"I do have my own vat of hot oil, you know?" Arthur threatened and Merlin only laughed as he pointed the brush at the prince.

"You're blushing," he exclaimed.

"No, I'm not," Arthur denied as he ducked back behind the changing screen.

"What's wrong with Miriam?" Merlin asked as he leaned against Arthur's bed.


"I think my sister is very worthy of your love."

"Indeed. Were it so."

"Which it is," Merlin replied as he held out Arthur's jacket, the prince turning to slide his arms in.


"Yes, Arthur?"

"Get out."

"Yes, sire," Merlin said with a smirk as he left with the knowledge that Arthur was besotted with his sister. All he wanted was to see his sister happy.

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