Chapter 36

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"The legend speaks of only seven Knights of Medhir," Miriam pointed out as she, Arthur and her brother stood at one of the outdoor balconies as they watched the group approach, seven hooded knights on black horses and one in silver armour on a white horse.

"Then who's the extra rider?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know," Merlin said.

"My money's on the sorcerer who did this in the first place," Miriam guessed.

"Either way, they're heading this way and Camelot is defenceless," Merlin noted.

"We have to get back to my father," Arthur ordered as they ran for the king's chambers.

And with each of them carrying a limb they were able to lug the king into Arthur's room, Merlin revealing that he couldn't find the potion as they let Uther's body fall gently to the floor.

"We can't leave him here! We have to lift him onto the bed," Arthur insisted.

"Why? He's asleep, he's not gonna know."

"Merlin!" Arthur chastised.

"Well, I'll get him a pillow," Merlin said as he ran for Arthur's bed.

"He's the king!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Alright, two pillows."

Miriam laughed at Arthur's annoyed look and he sent her a glare.

"I get that you're worried about your father Arthur, but he is not the most pressing concern we have at this point," she said as the two boys rested Uther's head on the pillows before standing, both of them looking exhausted.

"Are you alright?" Merlin asked Arthur.

"You feeling the same?" Arthur asked as Merlin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"We're getting sick."

"We can't let that happen. We must keep my father hidden," Arthur persisted and Merlin groaned.

"Easy for you to say. You have a way to wake up," he whined before he pointed at his sister. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I guess. A little tired like I haven't slept in a while but other than that I'm fine," she answered and Merlin sighed.

"So it woke you up but it doesn't keep you awake," Merlin noted.

"Can we go back to hiding my father from the legendary knights that are coming to kill him?" Arthur interrupted and Miriam shrugged.

"We could disguise him?"

"That might just work," Arthur said as he pointed to her.

"We could dress him as a woman," Merlin suggested and Miriam started coughing as Arthur looked a little disturbed.

"That on the other hand.."

"We could dress him as a servant," Merlin corrected.

"That's better."

"I'll get him some clothes," Merlin said as he ran for the door.

"Be careful," Miriam called and he nodded, the girl knowing that her brother could take care of himself with his powers, no one to see him use them.

As Arthur spoke to Merlin, she then dropped down to her knees as she checked the king's pulse and temperature.

"Is he alright?" Arthur asked as he stood over her.

"His pulse and breathing are normal as is the colour of his skin, his pupils aren't dilated and he has no temperature. Physically speaking, he is fine."

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