Chapter 121

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"Her body has been burned as per your request, my queen," Leon reported as he saw her walking in the halls after Eira's execution, which she no doubt knew that Gwaine had watched as he silently tortured himself.

"Thank you, Leon. Have you seen Gwaine? Or Percival for that matter? I wanted to see how he's doing after all that drama with Eira," she asked.

"He told me he and Percival were going on a hunt to make him feel better about half an hour ago."

Miriam's eyes widened.

"If anything makes Gwaine feel better, it's drowning himself in a tankard of mead. The only thing he'll be hunting is revenge, and he's dragged Percival into this. The two of them against Morgana won't stand a chance!"

"I'll prepare a patrol at once."

"Prepare my horse as well. I can't go after my husband and brother, but I can go after my idiotic best friend."

"As you wish, Mira," Leon said as he bowed his head and rushed off while Miriam summoned Guinevere to her chambers.

Seems like she'd just have to swallow her current distaste for armour, she had more important things to attend to.


Her hair was in a tight braid as her war crown was pinned into her hair, and she led the patrol of men, Leon at her side, after Gwaine and Percival.

Though her heart told her that she may need a little more help.

"Move out in groups of two. This is a rescue mission, not an assault and if you see Morgana, do not engage. Retreat immediately. Understand?" she ordered as they reached Brineved, her knights nodding. "Leon, you're with me. Move out."

And they split up, weapons drawn.

"Keep a lookout," Miriam ordered once they were in a secluded enough space.

Leon only nodded as the queen looked to the skies, arms extended as she called out in the language of the dragons.

Aithusa's approach was quite as asked for, the only indication of his arrival being the added gust of wind from his wings as he landed.

"Stand down Leon," Miriam asked as she watched her knight sheath his sword. "Aithusa," she said softly as she held out a hand, the dragon giving a low growl. "Aithusa, you are safe. Aithusa you are free. No one will ever harm you again. No one will ever use you again. I promise."

The dragon seemed a little uncertain as she neared but he made no move to stop her.

And then he moved his head to touch her hand.

His skin was not smooth as it had once been, it was course beneath Miriam's palm as Aithusa nuzzled into her touch.

"Morgana uses you for your power. That shall never happen in my company. You can trust me," Miriam promised before she lowered her lips to Aithusa's head, and the dragon began to glow.

The light was blinding as Leon was forced to look away, covering his eyes with his arm as Aithusa shone like the morning light he was named for.

And when it died down, Aithusa was almost unrecognisable.

Miriam's kiss had healed the dragon completely.

His wings were no longer frayed, his eyes and face no longer sunken, bones no longer protruding from his spine. He was healthy.

And Miriam's smile was grand as Aithusa nuzzled his face against hers in thanks.

"I didn't know you could do that," Leon spoke, finally.

"Neither did I," she agreed before she turned to her friend. "Aithusa, can you help me find my friends?"

The dragon chirped, seeming to agree before running through the trees, Miriam and Leon on his tail, and the sight Aithusa brought them too threatened to make the queen's knees buckle.

Gwaine sat on the ground, arms tied to two tree posts and his eyes closed, chest unmoving.

Aithusa took tentative steps towards Gwaine, nudging his head with his own.

"Stand down!" Miriam shouted, voice full of authority as she stood between the dragon and the party of her knights that approached. Percival was in their company as they cautiously lowered their swords and watched.

Aithusa spared the lordess one look before turning back to Gwaine and letting out a single breath.

Magic rippled through the air as the dry leaves on the ground seemed to grow greener, the trees seeming to stand straighter and the air seeming fresher as Aithusa's breath of life washed over Gwaine and he inhaled a great breath.

"Gwaine! Gwaine!" Miriam cried happily as she crashed down in front of him, Aithusa still at her side as Gwaine blinked his eyes open. "You're ok!" she sighed in relief as she kissed his cheek and Percival and Leon ran over to cut down his arms. "I have half a mind to throw you in the stocks for this stunt," she chuckled as she caught Gwaine's body, the knight still regaining his bearings.

Percival then reached out a hand, Aithusa bringing his nose to it.

"Thank you," he said to the dragon who chirped in response as Gwaine was carefully pulled to his feet, but he looked nowhere near as happy as everyone else.

"Are you alright?" Leon asked, but Gwaine's eyes only stayed on his best friend as guilt ate him up.

"I'm so sorry. She's riding for Avalon. I failed," he said as he lowered his head and everyone except Miriam seemed to sadden.

"You didn't fail Gwaine," Miriam said as she squeezed his hand. "If anything, you helped us succeed."

"I don't understand," Gwaine replied.

"That sorcerer who helped us back at Camlann, that was Emrys. That was the sorcerer that is destined to be Morgana's doom. And that is the sorcerer that is escorting Arthur to Avalon. You didn't fail Gwaine."

All the men seemed confused.

"But, I thought Merlin was escorting Arthur to Avalon?" Leon spoke and his queen turned to him.

"He is."

"Are you - are you saying Merlin is a sorcerer? That he was the reason we won the battle?" Gwaine asked.

"You helped him reach the valley of the fallen kings so he could regain his magic that Morgana took from him," she explained before turning to the patrol. "We all owe a huge debt to my brother. We all owe a huge debt to his magic. He will defeat Morgana, once and for all and these lands will finally be free. You all accepted me, and my powers saved your lives and Gwaine's. Now accept Merlin."

The silence was one of understanding as the words of their queen washed over them.

And then Miriam screamed as she crashed to the ground, her hands on her ears as several of the men circled around her, Gwaine and Leon's hands on her back.

And Aithusa let out a roar Miriam seemed to understand as her brothers calls for her died down and she called out for Kilgharrah.

"Aithusa, go, please," she begged, and the dragon gave her a chirp before he rose into the air and Miriam looked up at her knights, some of which had moved to kneel in front of her.

"My queen, what happened?" Percival asked, and Miriam couldn't meet anyone's eyes as she simply sat on the ground, the answer weighing heavy on her heart.

"Arthur's dying." 

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