Chapter 7

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"And you believe what this Anhora said about the curse to be true?" Gaius questioned the girl the next morning, the first thing Miriam did upon returning to Gaius' chambers was rouse the two men to tell them the story of what happened.

"I know Anhora doesn't correspond to what we read about but the legend did say that the curse comes to anyone who slays a unicorn. It makes sense," she persisted as Gaius set two bowls on the table.

"Not much for breakfast I'm afraid. We're down to our last few scraps of food," Gaius said as both contained a meagre portion of porridge.

"Mira, please eat something," Merlin pleaded his sister who was standing as the two boys sat.

"No. There are people who need it more than I do."

"At least drink some-" Merlin cut himself off as he realised what was in his cup. "Where'd you get the water to make tea?" he asked Gaius who had a sneaky smile on his face.

"Fortunately for us, you forgot to empty your bath yesterday," Gaius informed them as Miriam stifled a laugh and Merlin spat his tea back into his cup.

"You're making tea from my bathwater?"

"It's not so bad. Perhaps a little soapy."

Merlin only sighed as he sat his cup down and knocked Miriam's teasing hand from his shoulder.

"What did Arthur think about the curse?" Gaius asked Miriam and once again she was in a sour mood at the sound of his name.

"That idiot doesn't believe it's his fault. He's convinced Anhora is responsible for it despite him saying that he was just a messenger."

Gaius sighed heavily.

"If you do not wish to drink bathwater then both of you must make sure Arthur sees sense."

"Why me? Merlin's the one with the great destiny," Miriam whined.

"Because he needs your help," Gaius explained and Miriam huffed.

"I'll be in the lower town seeing to the sick. Send a messenger if you need my help."

And Miriam was off.


Merlin had accompanied Arthur in his plan to try and catch Anhora after his servant explained that his sister told him what happened, and Merlin confessed to seeing Anhora in the forest when the unicorn was killed.

But the prince merely wound up giving some grain to a poor man who was caught stealing for his family that was starving. And as a result, the sand in the reservoir was reverted back into water.

And after serving some to Arthur and having some himself, Merlin's attempt in convincing Arthur that Anhora wasn't behind the curse was fruitless.

So, he lifted up a pitcher full of water and said, "I have to get some of this to my sister."

"You're my servant, why does she need you to serve her water?" Arthur protested and Merlin's expression turned cold.

"Because ever since you started rationing the food, Mira hasn't had anything to eat or drink no matter how much I tell her to."

Arthur merely scoffed.

"It was her choice not to eat or drink for the last four days."

Now it was Merlin's turn to scoff.

"My sister has been giving her rations, no matter how small, to the people of the lower town that ran out of food days ago. She's there now tending to the sick. And I'll guarantee you that she hasn't taken a single sip of water until everyone in the lower town has first, which is why I'm going to bring her some."

Merlin turned to leave when Arthur's voice stopped him.


Arthur stood from his desk as he made his way over to Merlin and took the pitcher from him.

"Let me do it. I owe her an apology anyway."

Stupefied, Merlin was still speechless as Arthur left.


Arthur didn't realise how many people were starving until he went down to the lower town to see all the people from the outlying villages of Camelot gathering in search of food that wasn't there.

It had been two days since Arthur had seen Miriam last, since Anhora first appeared, and he when he did finally see her, he knew his apology better be good.

Her eyes were sunken, skin pale and her movements were sluggish from lack of energy, but her smile was still bright as she helped an elderly man tip a glass of water into his mouth.

"She's hardly left them since this plague started," Morgana explained as she appeared by Arthur's side. "They're calling her a godsend."

"Fitting, seeing as her people saw her the same way in Ealdor."

"She's hardly been here a month and already many of the people have taken a liking to her."

"I suspect she sees this situation similarly to what happened with Kanen. Merlin said she always stands for those who can't help themselves, no matter the consequences to herself."

Morgana hummed in agreement.

"She'd make a decent knight I'd wager. And I'm sure you and your knights are doing all you can to find food."

"It's still not enough," Arthur sighed before heading over to Miriam, leaving Morgana as Gwen approached her mistress.

Miriam was kneeling on the ground in front of a small girl and her mother.

"I know it doesn't feel good but if you drink this, it might feel a little better," she promised as she began to ease the cup into the girl's mouth. "Better?" she asked as she swallowed, and the girl nodded as Miriam wiped a drop of water from the corner of the girl's mouth. "There's more should you need it," she said as she handed the cup to the mother who looked about ready to bow down in thanks.

"Miriam," Arthur called softly and the girl turned, her smile falling.

"Why are you here?" she asked before moving over to pour more water for the people.

"Merlin was going to bring you water but I insisted I do it," he explained as he watched her hand out cups with a smile.

"And why would you do that?" she asked, voice annoyed but face devoid of annoyance.

"Because I owe you an apology."

"An apology for what?" she asked as she continued to hand out cups of water, Arthur still following with a pitcher and cup in his hands.

"For the way, I spoke to you the other night. Despite how ridiculous your notions, you were only trying to help, and you are."

Miriam laughed.

"Only you can apologise and still sound arrogant at the same time."

"Mira please just drink the water."

She dropped the pitcher onto the table, not a single drop spilling from the top as it landed, and she whirled on him.

"I told you only my friends call me that! And we aren't friends."

"Regardless, Merlin is my friend, and you are his sister. I'd like to come to some sort of truce with you. So would you please just drink it, Miriam!" he exclaimed as he tipped water into the cup and held it out to her.

Miriam sighed heavily as she thought of her brother and the destiny of his that was entwined with Arthur's. He was right a truce would be practical seeing as they'd be spending a lot of time together due to Merlin being his servant and her being Gaius' apprentice.

She took the cup and downed it in one go, Arthur with a small smile on his face as he watched her gulp it eagerly.

"This doesn't mean we're friends," she said as she pointed a finger at him before walking off, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and Arthur's smile was wide.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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