Chapter 69

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Gaius had only come to the same conclusion as Miriam after the king was moved into his bed and his wound was bandaged and stopped bleeding.

Miriam hadn't spoken to Arthur since last night, she wanted to give him space, but it was now unavoidable as she walked into the king's chambers with a small tray of differently coloured vials, some to reduce pain, some to reduce scarring and infection and inflammation, but there were none that could heal his heart.

"Sorry to disturb you. I only came to administer the king's remedies and change his bandages,' she explained to Arthur who stood in his armour at the foot of his father's bed.

"No, no, please, go ahead," he invited as he ran a hand through his hair and Miriam set the tray on the bed as she peaked at the wound under his shirt. "How is he?"

"Gaius sewed the wound, so the bleeding stopped, which is good. I'll give him his tonics to prevent infection and help with pain, but that's really all that can be done. I'm sorry."

"No," Arthur said. "It is I who should be sorry. You didn't deserve the way I snapped at you and I'm sorry."

"Arthur, you have nothing to be sorry for. Your reaction and your words were understandable and nothing I haven't heard before," she replied before unstoppering one of the bottles and carefully tipping it down the king's throat.

"People have told you that before?" he questioned as her hands moved to place the stopper back in the empty bottle.

"Last night was unfortunately not the first time I've had to tell someone that their loved one was dying. And in their grief, they look for any other opportunity for the diagnosis to be wrong, including blaming me and my title of apprentice."

Arthur seemed even more pained which was the last thing she wanted.

"I appreciate your kindness, everything you're doing for him. Especially with your fear and what he's done to you," Arthur said as Miriam set the empty bottle down.

"Well, I'm mostly over that fear and I don't do it for him. I do it for you," she revealed and Arthur's eyes lined with tears once more. "Oh, Arthur," Miriam said sympathetically as she cupped his face.

"I can't watch him die. There's still so much I want to say to him. He cannot die and I won't let him."

Only the tips of her fingers and the edge of her palm touched his face now.

"Arthur, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about using magic to heal my father."

Her hands fell completely as she let his words wash over him.

"Arthur, please reconsider this. You know how your father feels about -"

"I can't let him die, Mira! So, please, please tell me I'm doing the right thing. No! No. Tell me, honestly, what you think of the idea," he asked as he held her elbows, her hands gripping his forearms.

She couldn't look at him as she stuttered for an answer.

"I think everything happens for a reason and whatever is destined to happen, will happen."

She looked up at him as she lifted one hand to his chest.

"I know you have a good heart. Trust it. This isn't a decision for your head, it's a decision for your heart. The head overthinks things. What does your heart tell you is right? Or what does your gut tell you is right?"

His hands seemed to shake a little as he considered her words before he moved his lips to her forehead.

"Thank you. You know I find your council invaluable."

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