Chapter 120

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"Avalon. We'll get there," Merlin promised as he set Arthur onto the ground, the stone tower visible in the distance, at least before the horses neighed in panic before running off, ignoring Merlin's calls to try and calm them.

"Hello, Emrys."

And Merlin turned in time for Morgana's eyes to glow as he was thrown backwards.

"What a joy it is to see you, Arthur," she drawled lazily as she made her way down to her wounded brother. "Look at you – not so tall and mighty now," she remarked before kneeling by his side, Arthur rolling his head to face her. "You may have won the battle, but you've lost the war. You're going to die by Mordred's hand," she grinned.

"So – So long as E-Emerie, lives, the war is not lost," he persisted, and Morgana's jaw tensed as her voice became deep and dark.

"Oh, don't worry, my dear brother, I won't let you die alone. I will stay and watch over you, until the wolves gorge on your carcass and bathe in your blood. And then I'll ensure Emerie, whoever she is, suffers the same fate."

"No, the time for all this bloodshed is over," Merlin said as he raised Excalibur and Morgana stood, looking the complete opposite of the queen she claimed to be with her dishevelled appearance. "I blame myself for what you've become, but this has to end."

"I'm a high priestess. No mortal blade can kill me," she boasted though there was fear in her eyes and Merlin drove the blade through her stomach.

"This is no mortal blade. Like yours it was forged in a dragon's breath," Merlin explained before Morgana gasped as he twisted it. "But unlike you, Emerie, my sister, will live a long life as the true Queen of Camelot and the once and future queen of Albion. She will always be your envy, Morgana, because you will never have the love, respect and crown that she has. Goodbye, Morgana."

And Merlin withdrew the blade as Morgana fell to the ground, gasping and groaning as her insides filled with blood and the life drained out of her eyes, for good this time.

Arthur only looked from his sister's corpse to Merlin as he said, "You've brought peace at last. Well brother."

Swallowing nervously, Merlin gripped Excalibur as he lifted Arthur up and continued on.

They had to make it to the lake.

They had to.

He was fading fast, and Merlin couldn't lose him.

He couldn't.

They had to make it.

They had to.

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