Chapter 117

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Though the battle was bloody and brutal, with no sign of Morgana anywhere, Miriam learned something about the Saxons. They fought with very little technique, somewhat similar to how Miriam fought back in Ealdor. And they also didn't use their legs, it was all about punches and swords for them.

And now that would be their downfall, at least if they fault against the queen.

Arthur had trained her well, not that she needed much training when it came to swords and knives. Though, the few knives she did have on her she used sparingly, careful to take it back from whatever enemy body part she plunged it into.

But when Aithusa roared from the skies and came barrelling towards them, Miriam was on her stomach as a Saxon had tackled her from behind and was trying to get his hands on her head to break her neck.

She could feel the heat of Aithusa's fire as she pulled a bloodied knife from her gauntlet and stabbed it behind her, impaling the Saxon right in the neck.

She panted heavily as she pushed him off her and stood, the Saxon gushing blood as she tucked her knife away and heard the sky rumble with thunder before she looked to her husband who swung his sword and sent an entire group of Saxons flying.

But as he spun and repeated the motion, Miriam looked to the cliffs where a figure blasted the enemy with lightning and relief and hope filled her.

For Emrys stood on the cliffs overlooking Camlann, Morgana even screaming his name over the chaos before she got hit with his lightning as well.

Several more times Emrys struck with lightning, the Saxons falling like flies.

And then Aithusa circled back.

The sorcerer raised his staff again, but this time, the Queen of Camelot rose into the air with the motion, sword still in hand and sweat running down her brow as she spoke in the language of the dragons.

The battle seemed to slow for a moment as they looked upon the scene of a flying queen ordering the dragon away, or so they thought.

Aithusa was sent ploughing into the Saxon army as Miriam was lowered to Arthur's side, the king relieved as he looked her over.

Asides from the superficial wounds they'd both gained in battle, they were otherwise unharmed as he took her hand a final time and they raised their swords into the air as they looked back at the army.

"FOR THE LOVE OF CAMELOT!" they both screamed, their knights calling out as they chased away the Saxons, aided by the magic of Emrys and the fire of Aithusa.

And from the looks of things, they were well on their way to winning the battle.

Love, Faith and FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora