Chapter 116

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Miriam was wrapped safely in Arthur's arms, both of them dressed again in their tunics and trousers as they slept, when a familiar voice entered their dreams.

"Arthur! Mira! You must listen to me. Arthur, I'm sorry I had to leave you. I didn't want to. One day you will understand why. Now the plan you've both concocted is a good one and you may yet save this kingdom, but you must beware. Your army's flank is vulnerable. There's an old path over the ridge at Camlann. Morgana knows of it. She means to trap you. Find the path or the battle will be over before it's begun. Find the path!"

And Miriam woke with a start, looking to her husband who bore the exact same look.

"Did you just have the same dream I did?" she asked, and Arthur lifted his head slightly off the pillow.

"Merlin. That didn't feel like a dream. What was that?" Arthur asked as his wife ripped the covers off them.

"No time to explain. We have to move!" she exclaimed as she grabbed her armoured corset and began tying it around her waist before bursting out of the tent, Arthur following as he pulled on the padded jacket he wore beneath his chainmail and armour.

"Sire! The scouts report that Morgana's army is on the move," Leon said to his king as Miriam ran past him.

"She'll attack before the night's done. Tell the men to prepare," he ordered.

"Yes, sire," Leon nodded before taking off in a run as Arthur moved over to where his wife was addressing two more knights.

"Gwaine! Percival!" she called as they rushed over, her fingers still pulling on the laces of her battle corset. "Take a patrol of men to the rear of us," she ordered as Arthur came up behind her, taking the laces from her as he did them up. "You're looking for a hidden path in the mountains. She means to outflank us. We must stop her now. And by gods both of you stay alive," she ordered.

"Yes, my queen," they answered before they were off as Arthur then finished his wife's corset and took her hand.

The two were quick to get dressed into their armour as they dolled out orders, before standing side by side as they addressed their army for the last time before the battle began.

Miriam's war crown shone brightly in the torch lights as she stood in her full battle armour, hands gloveless as her husband spoke.

"Tonight, we do battle. Tonight, we end this war. We end a war as old as the land itself. A war against tyranny, against greed, against spite. Not all will greet the dawn. Some will live. Some will die. But each and every one of you fights with honour and with pride. And not only do we fight for our lives, we fight for the future. The future of Camelot. The future of Albion. The future of the united kingdoms!"

Arthur then took the hand of his queen as they both thrust their swords into the air, Arthur's dragon blade a sight to behold.

"For the love of Camelot!" Miriam shouted.

"FOR THE LOVE OF CAMELOT!" the army echoed as they repeated the gesture.

And though the war drums that Morgana's army beat on were intimidating as the two armies stood opposite each other, neither one moving, fear was the last thing on Miriam's mind.

Determination flooded her body as she prepared to fight for her kingdom, for her people. She didn't quite know how she got to where she was, but there was no way she was letting her kingdom be taken without one hell of a fight. There was no way she was going to let Morgana become a worse dictator to her people than Uther was. There was no way Morgana was going to win this war.

Even if it meant she lost Arthur.

But she couldn't think about that right now as she stood at her husband's side on the front lines, flanked by their army.

And Arthur raised his sword, a sword his wife had named Excalibur, into the air. She didn't know how it came to her, but some things are simply meant to be and once it did come to her, she couldn't get the name out of her head.

Even those who stood at the very rear of their company could see the light that reflected off Excalibur's golden blade.

"ON ME!" Arthur bellowed and the entire army, his wife included, let out the loudest and most vicious battle cries they could as they ran forward to meet Morgana's army.

And the final battle began. 

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