Chapter 24

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"Distract him, please!" Merlin urged as Arthur began to stir from his sleep.

Things had changed dramatically since the arrival of one Lady Catrina to Camelot. She had claimed to have escaped the sacking of her kingdom that resulted in her father's death, along with her faithful servant. And ever since she'd arrived, every single male in court had been almost completely besotted with her, well almost every male. Arthur was nothing but his normal self to a lady even Merlin was somewhat flustered by and it made her smile every time Arthur was in Catrina's presence and still looked to her.

Miriam, however, didn't trust Catrina, the apprentice having another heart-wrenching feeling that something was wrong. Merlin eventually agreed, even more so after Catrina failed Gaius' test. As a child she suffered from a rare bone disease that affected her joints, leaving her with difficulty walking especially after a long ride. And a special tonic concocted by Gaius was the only thing that could bring her relief. So, when Catrina had no idea what the tonic was for and claimed to be in perfect health, they were certain that something wasn't right.

And that was how they ended up in Arthur's chambers, Merlin using his magic to lift a mirror and peek through the windows and into Catrina's chambers which were directly below.

"What do you want me to do?!" she exclaimed in a hushed panic.

"I don't know! Anything!"

Miriam only huffed.

"Just hurry up," she whispered, and Merlin nodded as he peered out the window again and Miriam approached the bed where Arthur slept in nothing but a pair of trousers.

"Miriam?" Arthur asked in confusion as his eyes fluttered open to see the girl straddling him.

"Stop talking," was all she said before she leaned down, and their lips met.

Arthur wasted no time in kissing her back, his hands tangling in her hair and hers running down his chest, their kisses growing hotter and passionate, even more so as Arthur's hands began to unbutton the buttons along the front of her tunic.

She squealed in delight as Arthur flipped them over, supporting his weight with one hand while his other ran down Miriam's side, their lips still joined.

His skin was soft as her hands roamed his back, nails grazing the hollow of his spine, sending shivers up the bone.

At least that was until Arthur collapsed on her, the prince forced into slumber as Merlin's eyes went from gold back to their normal blue.

"When I said do anything, I meant anything but that!" Merlin exclaimed in disgust.

"Yeah, well it worked, didn't it?" Miriam panted, lips swollen. "Did you get what you needed?" she asked as she wriggled out from under Arthur, and began to do up the buttons of her tunic.

"She's a troll."

Miriam froze, three of her buttons still loose.

"Like an actual troll? Not just that she's disgusting?"

"Warts and all," Merlin confirmed as Miriam lifted a hand to her forehead, flustered and now worried and confused.

"How do we fight a troll?" she asked and Merlin only shrugged.

"I don't know, which is why we have to tell Gaius," Merlin said as they headed for the door. "And do up your buttons," he grumbled, and Miriam only rolled her eyes as she complied.

"It's your fault that Arthur undid them.... not that I'm complaining."

After telling Gaius what they'd learned, Catrina's true motives were revealed. Trolls were revolting creatures that nested in darkness and filth and fed on rot but they were also enamoured with wealth and power. In this case, Uther's wealth and power. The old healer had then tried to persuade Uther to see the truth, which failed. And then Merlin tried to use a spell to reveal the troll's true nature, but its magic was too strong for even Merlin. So they were able to do nothing but stand there as Uther announced his impending marriage to Lady Catrina to take place the next day. Merlin had then tried to persuade Arthur who also refused to believe it. Despite being busy with Gaius in trying to find a way to defeat the troll's magic, Miriam had noticed that Arthur had been avoiding her the last few days. Little did she know that it was because every time he saw her, his cheeks flushed red as he thought about the dream he remembered in agonising detail. And now all he wanted to do was make that dream a reality, even though it had been.

It was absolutely, torturously difficult not to when he saw Miriam enter the throne room on Gaius' arm for the wedding, both of them taking a place near Morgana and Gwen who were also lavishly dressed, the ward having lent the girls old dresses of hers. Gwen's was a warm yellow with golden beading, while Miriam's was a pale purple with silver embellishments, a crystal pendant of the same colour hanging around her neck on a leather cord.

And all Miriam could do when she saw Arthur and his father walk down the aisle was nod her head in acknowledgment, Arthur's crown a simple golden circlet.

As the ceremony proceeded, Uther appearing completely mesmerised by Catrina, Miriam grew worried.

"Where's Merlin?" she whispered to Gaius was equally as worried.

"I don't know. He missed his cue," Gaius replied as Uther and Catrina began their vows, Merlin having had a plan to interrupt the wedding, but he was too late, because when he did arrive, Uther and Catrina had already sealed their union with a kiss.

Now what were they to do?

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