Chapter 2

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Sweat rolled down my back as I kept pounding my fist against the punching bag. Music filled my ears as I kept going. The music abruptly ended and I turned to see my mother standing there. "Come on Maxwell, schools about to start and I don't want you to be late on your first day." I sighed, took off my wraps and took a sip of water.

I had been dreading this day. I didn't think it would come by so fast with the packing and moving and unpacking. Yet, here it was, the day I go to a new school. I was so fucking pissed off when my mother had told me we would be moving and all because of my jackass of a father. He didn't really care what happened to us as long as he kept getting money he was happy. I always stayed out of his way and he stayed out of mine. That's how we lived, and my mom would be the anchor between us. Keeping us sane.

I showered, got dressed, ate, and went to my black Harley Motorcycle. She was my baby. I didn't let anyone and I mean anyone ride, touch, or even near it. I mean yeah, sure, I was rich, but I don't like asking my dad for anything. It's just easier that way. I got on and drove to the school.

As I got into the parking lot all the girls were staring at me with their jaws on the ground and the guys were glaring at me. Hey it's not my fault they aren't as hot as me. I winked at a couple of the girls and their eyes filled with lust. This was gonna be a fun year. I got off my bike and walked into the school.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The lady at the front asked with a wide smile on her face. I gave her my brightest grin and she just ignored me and kept her attention on the computer screen in front of her.

"I'm new here and I need my schedule," I replied to her. "I'm Maxwell Powers." I told her. She typed on her computer and the printer next to me turned on spitting out a paper. She grabbed it and handed it to me. She smiled and went back to her computer. I glared at her and turned to the door and swung it open. It's not even my first class and I'm already pissed. How the hell am I suppose to find my classes in this huge ass school? Oh well if I'm late it's not my problem. The stupid lady didn't even help me with anything.

I walked down the hall and saw that everyone was staring at me and then whispering to the person next to them. I just smirked and kept walking as if I owned this place, which I will soon. I heard a bell sound and saw as the halls emptied out leaving me and a couple stragglers here and there. Well there goes being on time. This school was fucking huge I couldn't find the stupid math class. I just wondered around until I saw the class number on the wall that was the same as the one on my paper. Well here goes nothing.

Picture of Maxwell Powers --->

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