Chapter 22

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I woke up surprised. Where am I? Then it hit me. The blue and white. The roof. Annie. Jessica. I was in her room. How long had I been asleep? I looked to the right and saw a plate full of food. Next to it was a note. I ate the food and it tasted heavenly. I grabbed the note and read it.

If you're reading this that means you woke up. Okay yeah no duh, anyways I'm in the library on the third floor. I decided to finish up our project. You looked so peaceful sleeping, and I know you had a pretty rough night so, I let you sleep. Come find me!

I chuckled to myself. This was something she might do. I got up and headed towards the stairs. She wrote that it was on the third floor. Her bedroom was on the second floor. As I was looking down I hadn't noticed someone walking towards me until I smacked right into them.


"Crap." I looked up to see that it was the chef guy from last night. What was his name? John? No. Joey? Yeah, that's it.

"You. What are you doing here?" He asked while narrowing his eyes at me. I got up and stuck out my hand to help him up. He looked at it before grabbing it. He nodded his head and then crossed his arms over his chest raising an eyebrow. I handed him the note. He chuckled before pointing behind him. "Last door on the right." He handed me the note and nodded. His face was full of amusement.

"Thanks." He nodded one last time before walking away. I went the way he told me and opened up the door. The library was huge! It was two stories! The bookshelves were made out of dark wood. There were two arch windows that showed the backyard, which was huge, there was a spiral staircase to my left which led to the second floor. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

I went further into the room. I looked down at the couch and found a sleeping Jessica. She was curled up into a ball. I looked around and found a small quilt. I placed it over her while taking the book she had in her hands. I marked her page before placing it on the small table beside the couch.

I walked around looking at all the books. How can they have so many books? Our library was small and we didn't have every bookshelf filled up with books, but then again we just arrived a month ago. We arrived during the first week of August and it was already mid September. I couldn't believe that it was already going to be two months since we left New York. Since I left Annie. No, I can't think about that now.

"Hey." I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. Well isn't someone all touchy now. I turned around to see a smiling Jessica. I smiled back before she let her arms drop. "So, I see you found me." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Of course! It wasn't that much of a challange." I shrugged.

"Oh, really now?" She raised an eyebrow, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, fine, I had a little help." I smiled sheepishly. She smiled before turning away and walking towards the door. She stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"Are you coming?" I nodded and walked to the door. She closed it behind her and started walking to a set of double doors. They looked like they led to an elevator. She pushed a button and they opened up revealing an elevator.

I turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

"My parents decided it would've been easier with this to go up and down." She said shrugging her shoulders before pressing the five. Yupp, that's right. Five floors! Ours only had three! Her parents must only buy the best. She had a goofy grin on her face. Where was she taking me?

Jessica's library ----->
Maxwell met Joey! Joey is probably my fave! Comment who your favorite male character is! And where is our girl Jessica taking the lovely Maxwell? Sorry for an mistakes! You know the drill!

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