Chapter 29

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"Reece stop! Stop this! You know that wasn't your fault!" Reece was sobbing and throwing things around.

"It was my fault! I could have stopped her! But I didn't because I was selfish! Jessica it could have been you!" He slumped down to the ground and sobbed. I went to him and pulled him close to me.

"I know, but it wasn't me."

"She was still family." I sighed and held Reece close to me. The door slammed open and Joey stood there panting.

"Violet." I whispered to him. His entire face dropped and his eyes filled up with sadness. My eyes started to tear up. A few tears escaped before I was full out sobbing. Reece continued to sob. Joey came towards us and held us. This was my new family.

"Okay, come on. I'll make breakfast and we can just spend the day in eating junk food and watching movies. How does that sound?" Reece nodded while I stayed quiet. Joey helped us up and we made our way downstairs to the living room. In the middle of Finding Nemo someone had knocked. I got up and opened the door. Liam was standing on the other side he gave me a smile before it dropped and his eyes filled with concern.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I tried to keep it together, but I ended up sobbing. Liam grabbed me and pulled me inside before dragging me down with him.

"Violet." I whispered between sobs. I felt him tense and squeeze me tighter to him. He rocked us back and forth while he soothed out my hair. After a while I felt well enough to get up.

"Are you okay?" He asked concern clear on his face. I nodded my head. "I came here to ask you out on that date, but maybe we can do that some other day." He chuckled and I gave him a small smile. He took me to the living room where Reece was laying down with tissues surrounding him. Liam chuckled which caused Reece to look at us. He looked shocked and quickly tried to clean his face.

I giggled at how clumsy he looked. He scowled at me. I smiled innocently at him and batted my eyelashes. He just rolled his eyes and gave a small chuckle.

"Okay, I have made the heavenly choclate chip, nutella, whip cream, and strawberry pancakes!" We all turned to Joey who came in with a food cart and three plates. He looked up and saw Liam. "Oh hi Liam. How have you been? Did you have breakfast already?" Liam chuckled and gave him a small wave.

"I'm good and yes my mom fed me before I left." Joey chuckled and nodded giving Reece his plate. And placing my plate on the table and taking his plate and sitting down on the sofa.

"Come on, we are having a day in eating junk food and watching movies." Liam laughed and went to sit next to Reece. I looked at them and watched Liam steal a strawberry off of his plate. Reece swatted his hand away, but he was too late. I rolled my eyes. They act like children. The rest of the day was spent laughing and crying. We watched a ton of movies and ate a bunch of junk food.

Around 9 Liam had to go home because his mother had made dinner and wanted him to come and eat with her and his father. Liam's family wasn't like ours. Ours was messed up in so many ways. We said our goodbyes and went back to finish watching Monster's University.

"Well, I am going to head home now. You two make sure you get some sleep. I left some food in the fridge, but it's pretty late. I love y'all. Good night." Joey came and pressed a kiss in my forehead and hugged Reece.

"Good night Joey, and thank you for everything." He gave me a small smile and nodded before leaving. I was so great full of Joey. He wasn't just our chef he was like an older brother or father figure. He was the best. He was always there for us. He may be young but he was wise.

He had been here when Violet was still here. He was here during my depression state. He was here when my parents started to loose interest in us and focus more on work. He was always there. He was family now.

"Hey, Jessie." Reece whispered. I looked at him. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. We got up and turned the tv off before heading up to his room. Reece had a king sized bed, so everytime memories of Violet came we always sleep together in his room. It never felt weird. Maybe it was because of our twin bond. Ha. Who am I kidding? That sounds stupid. I let out a small laugh and Reece looked at me like I was crazy.

"Come on, I'm tired. Hurry up and pick your side." He rolled his eyes and laid down. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down causing me to squeal.

"Reece! Stop it!" I laughed and he chuckled. He wrapped his arms around me and I turned around so I was facing him.

"Reece, you can't keep beating yourself over what happened with Violet it wasn't your fault. She wouldn't want you to do this to yourself. She looked up to you. You were her big brother. Her hero." He sighed and I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"I know. It's just hard. She was such an amazing, sweet, young girl. She should be here." He whispered before more tears rolled down. I pulled him closer to me and we both fell asleep in our tears.

What wasn't Reece's fault? Gosh I just love Joey! Liam and Jessica moment! And how cute for Reece to ask Jessica to sleep with her! Just makes my heart melt! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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