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15 years later


"Oh sweetheart you look gorgeous." My mother said tears filling her eyes.

"Thank you mother." I walk up to her and engulfed her into a hug. The past few years my mother and father have been more family like.

"Brax! Don't do that, you'll get all dirty! Where's your sister?" I giggled as my 5 year old son, Brax, tried to grab snacks from the table in my dressing room.

"Sweetie listen to your grandmother. You don't want to get your suit dirty. Daddy will get very upset with you." He put the snacks back and grabbed a napkin and cleaned himself up. Brax was such a sweetheart. He would always behave and listen to us.

"Violet look at your face!" I heard my mother yell from the bathroom. I named my daughter Violet after my sister. This Violet was a 3, about to be 4, troublemaker. When I walked into the the bathroom there was makeup smeared all over the counter. What has this girl done? I looked at her and started to laugh.

"I want to look like mommy!" I giggled and shook my head.

"Honey, you're too young to wear makeup." She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. She acts just like me.

"I'll clean her up and get her dressed. You go get your shoes." I nodded picking up my dress, and walked back into the room. I pulled out the box that held my shoes. They were white, peep toed, with a lace design on the back. I stood up and smoothed out my dress. It was a long, white, lace dress. The top half was plain with a sweetheart neckline as it went down flowers and beads covered up most of the bottom half. My mother walked in with a small box in her hand.

"Your great grandmother gave this to your grandmother who gave it to me and now I am giving it to you." She opened up the box and in there was a beautiful hair pin. It looked like a flower completely covered in diamonds and pearls.

"Mother this looks beautiful." She took it out and I turned around facing the mirror. She placed it on the side of my head away from my curls.

"There you go now you have something antique." I gave her a hug and when I released her she grabbed my bouquet. "Here you go. Everyone's here and it's about to start." I felt butterflies flutter around my stomach. This was it. I was going to marry the love of my life. My soulmate.



"Maxwell, my man, look at you! You are about to finally marry my sister." I looked at Reece and saw him carrying his youngest daughter. Reece and Katherine had 3 children. Faith their oldest is 8, Edward is 6, Juliet was 4, and Katherine was 8 months pregnant with a baby boy who they will name Alex.

"Yes, after being engaged for 10 years I'm glad I can finally marry her." I said fixing my tie. Jessica and I had decided to put off the wedding until after we finished our studies. When we did finish it turned out Jessica was pregnant with our first son, Brax, so we waited until he was born. Then we became pregnant again with our daughter, Violet.

"Juliet go find your mother." Reece put Juliet down and opened the door for her. We decided to have the wedding ceremony here at the Gray's mansion. It would be in their backyard, which was pretty big.

"Katherine just told me that Jessica looked drop dead gorgeous." Reece said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him. I couldn't wait to see Jessica. My stomach was feeling funny and all knotted up. I was nervous even though we had been together for 15 years.

"Maxwell, it's time for you to go out there." I looked up and saw Mr. Gray standing at the door.

"Thank you, sir." Reece patted my shoulder before leaving.

"Jessica is a very special girl. You two have been together through everything. Your bond is strong which is good. I'm glad my daughter found someone like you to cherish, to love, and to protect her. I better get going. I have a bride to deliver." I chuckled before we did that man hug. I looked at myself, took a deep breath, and walked out.

"I, Jessica Hope Gray, take you, Maxwell Edward Powers, to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life. With this ring I wed thee." Jessica grabbed my hand a slid my wedding band on. I put my hand on her face and wipe away some of the tears that had fallen.

"I, Maxwell Edward Powers, take you, Jessica Hope Gray, to be my wife. To share the good times and hard times side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fall. With this ring, I thee wed." I gabbed her hand and slid the ring into her finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." I grabbed Jessica and kissed her. Everyone cheered as I swooped her up in my arms and carried her to the tent where we would eat and dance. Jessica had looked so beautiful. It was like I was seeing an angel. During our vows she started to cry. I teared up looking at her cry like crazy.

"Maxwell!" I looked up to see Jessica walking towards me with our children one on each arm.

"Yes? What do you need Mrs. Powers?" Jessica blushed and rolled her eyes.

"The kids wanted a family dance." I looked at them and they nodded their heads eagerly. I laughed before I grabbed Violet's little hand and took them to the dance floor. We danced and laughed before Violet got tired and she fell asleep. Brax went to play with his cousins leaving me and Jessica.

"Today was amazing." Jessica said into my neck. We were the last people dancing. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much. You are my world. I'm so happy I was able to find someone as amazing as you. I'm the worlds luckiest man. Being able to stand here with you. Holding you, and being able to call you mine and only mine." I pulled her close and kissed her with everything I had.

"I love you, too. I am truly yours, now and forever." Was all she said before she captured my lips again. She kissed me as if I would disappear any moment. Jessica and I have been through hell and back. We loved each other even through hard times. We will continue to love each other for as long as we live and even after that.

The End.

Picture of Jessica's hair, makeup, dress, shoes, and hair pin ---->
This story has finally come to an end!
:( I had such a great time writing this! My heart melted at Maxwell's vows and that end right there :'( couldn't hold in the tears. Thank you all so much for reading and voting! I'm not sure if I should do a spin-off! Comment if you would like a spin- off. And who would you want it to be about? Violet or Brax? Sorry for any mistakes! And for the last time, You know the drill!

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