Chapter 12

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The music was pounding in my ears. I could feel the beat of the music. The house was full of drunk and high teenagers. Julia was grinding against me. I was bored of her, but she wasn't as easy as I thought. I had to work to try to get her into bed. I didn't like work, and she was making me work.

"HEY, THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" Someone yelled from the enterance. I looked to see that it was Reece. Behind him was the girl that sat with them during lunch, I never got her name, and behind her was Jessica. My jaw dropped as I saw her walk more into the room. The lights shining on her. Her brown hair was curled. Her long tan legs were showing with that pink skirt she had on. Her chest looked pretty nice in the white loose fitting button-up shirt she had. In the end she looked HOT!

I left Julia talking with some other guy, while I made my way to the kitchen for another beer. When I walked in Jessica was in there looking through the fridge for God knows what. I let my eyes sweep over her body before I heard her sigh and close the fridge door. She jumped and pressed a hand to her chest when she saw me.

"You scared me half to death!" She yelled trying to calm her breathing. I chuckled and smirked at her. She rolled her eyes before turning away looking into the coolers.

"What are you looking for?" I asked with amusement clear on my face. She looked at me and glared before going back to looking into the coolers.

"Where is it?" She muttered under her breath. What exactly was she looking for? They were all the same beers. "Ha! Here it is! I knew I would find it at the bottom." She muttered before closing the cooler with a- with a- was that a coke in her hand? That's what she was looking for? I'm guessing this girl doesn't drink. She opened it before taking a long sip. She looked like she was in a comercial for a soft drink. God she was so fucking hot right now.

"Will you please stop staring at my sister like she is a piece of meat!" Someone yelled from behind. I turned to see Reece standing there glaring at me. I gave him my signature smirk. He seemed to not like that as his hands clenched into fists.

"Reece, stop it." Jessica said calmly as she walked slowly towards Reece. "Reece come on let's go." She said firmly while grabbing his arm and pulling him away. He glared at me while I just smirked back. Jessica turned to look at me. My smirk slipped off and I gave her a small smile. She shrugged sheepishly. It was as if she was trying to apologize for her brothers act. Did she often have to pick up his mess?

"I'm gonna head home now. Do you want me to take you home?" I asked Julia. She seemed pretty drunk and didn't look as if she could get home alone. She giggled before tracing her fingers up my chest. Not this again. She would always do this. She would get me excited and then stop. I pushed her hand away before leading her to my friend, who I knew would take care of her.

I got in my car and drove home. The whole way home I couldn't help, but think of Jessica. The way she looked tonight. Her smiling face popped into my head from the dinner we had on Monday. Her smile was contagious. When she smiled you couldn't help, but smile back. She had this happy aura around her. Hopefully I could get to actually have a proper conversation with her. For now I had to deal with the fact that I might have a slight hangover tomorrow.

Picture of Jessica's outfit --->

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