Chapter 7

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I was so close to ripping out Julia's hair if it weren't for Reece. I'm not usually violent. I just try to mostly keep to myself and not stir up any trouble, but I did not want to see their little make out scene while I was trying to eat. I was so hungry as it is so, them making out made me want to barf it all out and that was not going to work for me. Besides I thought she was dating my brother, but I guess not. Maybe that's why he was making out with that one girl.

"Reece, aren't you and Julia dating?" Katherine asked looking at him with curiosity in her eyes. I looked up to see his face. He had no emotions present. It was just a blank face.

"We were, but I broke up with her. I caught her with some guy making out at the party last Saturday night." The rest of lunch was awkward and silent. When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch I couldn't be any happier to leave.

I took Kat to her english class and then walked to my locker to grab my chemistry book. Our school had given us all of our textbooks a week before school started during the school meet, so we didn't have to worry about that during the first week. I opened my locker and grabbed the thick textbook. Great. More weight added to my bag. I closed my locker and walked towards the chemistry hall.

"Welcome class, who's ready to learn chemisty?" The teacher said with a smile on her face. How could she be so happy? I wanted to go home already. I only had gym after this and I could finally leave! The rest of class was boring. We talked about chemicals and safety procedures and all that. The teacher introduced herself and talked about herself, which I really didn't care about.

School had finally ended and I was so ready to go home and sleep.

"Jess, don't forget about the dinner tonight." Reece said as we walked out. Oh yeah we had that stupid dinner today. I was so ready to go to bed and watch netflix and watch movies and finish watching The Vampire Diaries. I love me some Damon.

"Yeah I know I'm just gonna head home to get ready." I went to my car and waited for Kat to come, so I could drop her off. After saying bye I went home to get ready for the dinner.

I got home and jumped into the shower. I dried my hair and took out all my hair products needed to curl my hair. I got my outfit together and just throwed on some sweats and a t-shirt for now. I had decided on a dull orange pencil skirt, a blue loose fitted shirt, some blue heels and minimal jewlery. As I got out of the en suite in my room I could smell the food. I couldn't wait to devour whatever it is that Joey, our chef, had cooked up. I heard the doorbell ring just as I excited my room. Well here goes nothing. As long as the food was good I was all set.

Picture of Jessica's outfit --->

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