Chapter 2

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Elena POV

My eyes were beneath me staring at the dark leather interior of the car. My arms wrapped securely around my bag that laid in my lap.

The leather was cold, even against my old old jeans, I could still feel the cold touch of the seat.

Light goosebumps freckled my skin as I shivered in the backseat of the car that was currently driving us to the airport.

Two of my brothers were situated beside me, the other two were in the seat above. It was a silent and long ride to the airport. A word was barely said.

It wasn't awkward, the farthest thing from actually, but it didn't help that I barely spoke. It was just all new and fresh in my mind that I would be living with them.

This situation wasn't ideal in my mind, I was a bit scared to say the least, but saddened even more just because of why I'm here. I just didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words.

I was suddenly taken away from my train of thought when I felt something soft drape over my shoulders.

"You were shivering." It was Dylan that spoke. The fourth oldest brothers of mines who was twenty-five. His eyes were away from the tinted window and were now on my own staring back at me. The same brother who I loved all those years ago.

"T-thank you," I said softly, wrapping the sweater even tighter around my body even though I was already covered.

I had to admit, it was nice and soft, and felt comforting around me, caconing me in a little nest.

Dylan just sent me a small smile that I couldn't help but return before turning my eyes forward again.

My fingers tugged tightly on the dark sweater in my hands wrapping it even more securely around my body. I could see Mason, the eldest of brothers, and who was also driving, with Alex beside him, turn up the heat of the car.

"We're almost there," he said. I could see his eyes peer at me in the mirror up above.

"O-" I felt a cough in my throat blocking me from speaking.

"S-sorry." I instantly apologized under my breath. My throat just felt a bit on the itchy side.

My eyes sunk down to my lap once more, focusing on my folded hands on my bag, trying to relax.

But I could see Jason, who was on my left side giving me a concerned look.

"Did you have anything to drink today?" I nodded my head yes, and cleared my throat. It was just an itch.

"There's some water in the front for you." I shook my head.

"I-I'm okay, thank you," I say softy.

My body just relaxed into the chair sinking in deeply. My eyes were tired, and I just couldn't wait to get on the plane and sleep.
It was a warm and comforting feeling knowing that I was going to be in a nice bed soon enough, so I could finally get a good night of rest. This past week had been rough enough as it was.

My eyes were just about to close, the smooth ride nearly lulling me to sleep, but another hard cough suddenly erupted from my chest sputtering out.

My chest felt achy, rumbling in my upper body. It was a weighing feeling. A pain that was all too familiar all of the sudden. I immediately felt a warm comforting hand rubbing small circles on my back.

"Sorry," I apologized again. Dylan just sent me a soft smile again silently telling me it was going to be okay, not all about this situation.
But the ache in my chest didn't go away. It felt like heavy rock weighing me down slowly, yet surely.

"You alright, hun?" he asked, still keeping his hand on my back reassuringly.

I nodded my head, blantant;y ignoring the aches in my chest silently hoping that it would just go away in no time.

"Y-yeah, sorry. My throat is just itchy, I think."

"There's no need to apologize." It was Jason that spoke up from beside me.

He grabbed the water that was in the cup holder up front bringing it to my grasp.

"Take some water, sweetheart."

"Thank you." I took the bottle out of his hands and happily chugged some of the liquid down, feeling the cold water go down my throat soothingly.

But the ache in my chest was only fine for a moment, before another few coughs erupted through me accidently spilling the water over myself.

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