Chapter 12

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Elena POV

i started to slowly to open my eyes. i blinked a couple of types and when i fully opened my eyes i turned to see mom and dad sitting on each side of me.

W-wait. Mom and dad here sitting beside me.

"I-is this true. mom, dad is it really you.?" i asked while stuttering

"yes its real sweetheart. your not dreaming. were really here with you sitting beside you." my dad said

"OMG" i said as tears ran down my cheeks and i started to sob. i hugged my dad.

"dad" i said while hugging him tightly close to me.

he rubbed my back and hugged me tightly.

"Babygirl. i missed you so much." he said with love and his voice broke with tears running down his cheeks. i pulled away and wiped my tears and wiped dad's tears as well.

"i missed you too a lot." i said as i then turned to mom and hugged her tightly as well.

"ohh my sweetheart." mom said as she hugged me tightly like dad did. i pulled away and hugged my mom and dad.

my brothers came up to me and hugged me. once we all came out of the hug. a tear slipped from eye and ran down my cheek.

"kiddo, what's wrong. why the tears?" Mason asked as he wiped the tear.

"I-i-i thought i was never going to meet mom and dad. i thought they had died and wasn't able to come back. what actually happened.?" i asked.

dad started to tell us everything that had happened after the accident. how they had been living in a different state.

once they were done telling everything that had happened the tears didn't stop. my breathing became fast.

"Elena, what's going on love. what's happening.?" everyone was panicking.

"I c-can't breathe. A-asthma." i said stuttering and coughing.

Mom started to rub my back as i was sitting against her with my back towards her. dad had the puffer and slowly put it in my mouth. two pumps after my breathing came back to normal, but i was still coughing a little.

"shhh, deep breathes my love. everything's fine now. we are all here now." my dad said as he rubbed my chest to ease the pain from coughing.

my coughing eased and my dad made me lie down to rest and sleep.

"P-please don't leave me." i said to my parents and brothers. i was scared of losing them again. i didn't want them to leave me again.

"shh. babygirl. we are not leaving you now. we are staying together now. forever." my mom said as she pulled the blanket over me and held me hand. my dad held my other hand while my brothers sat on the bed around me.

going in thought about those years with living with stepfather was the worst. i don't think mom and dad know about the beatings and getting abused by stepfather. only my brothers knew about it and nobody else knows.

it was scary and awful going through the pain and then my brothers who had came and had saved me from being abused. going through therapy and all that was the worst things.

but now i have my whole family together and nothing can go wrong. darkness had consumed me as i fell asleep. knowing that my parents and brothers are here with me and will be forever.


hey guys

here is the next update.

i will be still uploading many chapters for this story.

see you guys in the next chapter.

thanks guys.!!!!!!

much love!!!!!!!

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