Chapter 19

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Elena POV

I woke up the next morning excited to go shopping for my dress with my family.

I got up and brushed and took a shower and got ready to go. Once i was done i took a picture and sent it on snapchat to ace of me ready to go to dress shopping.

I went downstairs and saw everyone waiting for me. Aryan was going to come too but with his family to get his wedding suit. We were all going to meet at a restaurant to eat.

We all started to drive and went to the mall. We parked and got off and went inside to the dress store. The workers knew my family and helped to choose a burgundy long wedding dress and their was one that was so beautiful. I went to try it on and omg it was so pretty.

I came out and everyone turned around and saw me. Their eyes widened and they smiled at me.

Dad had tears in his eyes.

"Omg my babygirl is so beautiful." dad said as he hugged me. I thanked him and my brothers and everyone complimented that this dress was the one. 

My brothers had to get their dress suits too because we are all going with the same color burgundy.

Once we all picked up our wedding stuff, we went into the car and drove off to the restaurant to eat.

We had arrived and saw the others waiting for us at the table. Everyone was their.

"Hey" Aryan said as i sat beside him and he pulled me into a side hug.

"Hey" i smiled back and hugged him back. We came out of the hug and i said hello to everyone else.

"You have such a beautiful daughter Damien. She looks just like you and her mom" Aryan's mom said to my dad as he smiled towards me and nodded his head.

"Indeed yes i do. Everyone says that she looks just like me and my wife" dad smiled and i smiled towards them.

"The wedding is going to be taking place next week. And the theme is decided to be burgundy and gold." everyone was so happy and we all celebrated. I was happy but kind of feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Excuse me. I just need to g-go to the bathroom. I will be r-right back" i said and walked to the bathroom. I got inside and stood against the wall for support. I started to cough and my breathing came in wheezes.

The door opened and i saw Aryan as i slid down the wall, keeping a hand to rub on my chest.

Aryan POV

We finally had our wedding date which was next week and we cheered and celebrated.

Suddenly Elena got up and excused herself and went to the bathroom.

it 's been 3 minutes and she hasn't came back yet so i decided to go and check on her.

I excused myself and went to the girls bathroom. But when i opened the door, their sitting on the ground, Elena. She was having an asthma attack. As i could see her rubbing her chest.

"Elena" i said as i ran towards her and sat beside her.

"Where's your inhaler Elena" i asked her and she pointed towards her bag and i got it out of it.

I put the inhaler near her mouth and pumped two times.

After the second one she started to breath properly and i rubbed her back and chest to make the pain go away. I got up and i slowly walked with her towards our table.

Everyone looked up towards us and her dad came up and hugged her.

"Elena, look at me?" her dad said and she looked at him

"its okay. We are all here with you okay calm down and breathe" he said as he rubbed her chest as i rubbed her back.

I wiped her tears away.

She started to calm down and she smiled towards us.

We ate dinner and then went home because everyone needed rest especially Elena.

I hugged her and said that i will text her.

She nodded her head and we went home.

Elena POV

We arrived at home and dad and everyone told me to sleep and take rest. I went upstairs to my room and changed and laid on my bed. Exhausted from today my eyes slowly started to close and darkness consumed me.

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