Chapter 10

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Elena POV

it was around 7pm at night and we all had dinner. i wanted to go walk in the back yard forest and decided to go. as i was walking suddenly, The bushes around me start to rattle, my eyes dart around the the dark, cold forests. The only source of light is the moon shining down above me.

I look around desperately, trying to find what is making that noise. Suddenly, a man appears. He holds something which glistens in hand. I freeze and realise that's a knife.

I scream, and begin to run from this horrid man. Out of nowhere there is a gunshot. I fall to the floor in fear ducking my head between my hands.

A ruffles of leaves and the crack of beaches erupt around me, my body trembles in fear as I squeeze my eyes closed.

"Elena?" A unfamiliar voice says.

How did he know my name? I think, panic rushing through my body.

"Elena, are you okay?" The same voice asks.

I carefully and slowly open my eyes. A male figure stood above me, staring down in concern. He looks just like me, the same eyes and the same features. It's my brother.

"It's me Mason, your brother" he says, slowly reaching down to me with his large hands. Careful not to startle me.

I stare up and him, I give a sigh of relief allowing him to lift me up. He places me gently on my feet holding me for support.

"Let's get you home" he says, wrapping his large trench coat around my small body.

He guides me through the forest where we meet with the rest of my brothers. Alexander, Jason and Dylan. They all send me a small smile and we enter the car.

We take the short drive back to the house from our surrounding forestry, once we get to the enormous mansion, they sit me on the couch. Finally the shock has now left my body and everything came back.

Tears immediately start flowing out of my eyes, my breathing quickens and my body begins to tremble even harder. My vision becomes blurry and my hearing fades.

Mason POV

"Mason, i think she's having a panic attack." i heard alex say as he was looking panicked at Elena.

I make my way over to my little sister and gently place a hand on her shoulder. I bring her trembling body close to mine and whisper into her ear.

"Lena, breath" I say gently, rubbing conforming circles into her back.

"H...he's going to kill me" she stutters between the racks of sobs.

"Elena, you know we would never let that happen" I reassure.

"He will be dead by the morning" Dylan says harshly.

I shoot a glare and him, as that was probably not the best thing to say, whilst our sister is having a panic attack.

"Elena, look at me" I say, cupping her face gently.

Her eyes hesitantly look up to me.

"Elena, your okay. Your safe" I state "No body, is going to hurt you" I add, wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Slowly but surely, her body stops trembling. Her breathing returns to normal and the tears soon stop. She lays against the couch, her eyes dropping heavily.

I sigh a breath of relief when small snores are heard from her body. I run a hand across my face and look to the rest of my brothers.

"Mason, why was she in the forest?" Alex asks.

"It's our land, she was probably just exploring like a normal teenager" I sigh.

"Well what was he doing in our forests" Jason says, putting a emphasis on 'our'.

"I don't know" I shrug "however he will not get away with this" I state.

"No he won't, I'll personally kill him" Alex announces crossing his arms in anger.

i get up with em in my arms and carried her up to her room. i laid her down on the bed and carefully put the blanket on her.

as i was about to leave, a hand stopped me.

"P-please stay." i heard Lena say.

i nodded my head and took of my shirt and laid beside her with her head on my chest.

i wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. we both fell alseep. 

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