Chapter 5

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Elena POV

It has been a few days since I've moved in with my brothers.

I was still a bit shy going in and out of places due to the fact that I hadn't yet become accustomed to the situation and half of the time I didn't know what to say to them besides little small talk. i am in school and have two best friends Sophie and Bella. they are the coolest friends i have ever wanted.

we always stick with each other no matter what.

It wasn't awkward, it was just I had missed them for most of my life and it was just hard getting to know them after all the years they've been gone.

But through all of it, they've let me explore little by little of the house to cheek it out, with one of my brothers of course, but I was happy enough to have found a library that was at the back of the house.

I think they just wanted me to feel at home, and I was more than appeased to feel that again. Dylan had said it was never really used, and it had just been sitting here for a while with the occasional cleaning done by one of the maids.

Well, I was now proud to say that it was going to be used just about everyday. My eyes skimming the filled pages, reading every page of the books and the paper turning. It felt nice.

And that's how I ended up after dinner. I was in the library, my eyes moving along the words of the book that I was in the middle of.

Before dinner, Jason had come in interrupting me midway in the book that I was rather enjoying saying that it was time for dinner. Since then my mind was wandering with endless possibilities from start to end.

But now sitting here, reading and my mind receiving the information, I realized that this book had seemed oddly familiar.

The hard cover top that was rested with blue lettering and the black spine should have sent a trigger to my head.

The way the words were written was so delicate and clean, and the way they flowed into my head so clear, my eyes not leaving them for a second.

"And so she walked hand in hand with her mother right by her side. Her eyes prancing the floral ground that was covered in beauty and poise with white short flowers.

"'This is your favourite place,' the mother said and the little girl looked at her mother, squinting her eyes at the sun. 'You adore it.'

"'Well, of course it is,' she said replying back. 'We always come here together. It's pretty.' And the little girl saw her mother smile with love in her heart.

"'Just like you,' her mother grinned at her pinching her cheek.

My mother folded the crevice of the page to make a makeshift bookmark and shut the book with a soft grin on her face. "How'd you like that chapter?"

I smiled feeling the warm soft pillow behind my head as the comforter was pulled up against my shoulders so I was in a warm cocoon in my sheets. "Loved it," I grinned.

My mother used to read me this book nearly every night right before bed. She used to tuck me in all snug and warm, and then she read every word perfectly on her tongue.

She read it to me once a year, and I never got tired of hearing her voice over and over again.

The words were always so fresh and she always used to ask me why I wanted to read it every year, but it became clock work.

I loved it.

A teardrop fell from my eyes and onto the white page making a wet mark. And then another once fell, and then another. My heart hurt.

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