Chapter 20

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Elena pov

It's finally the day. I'm getting married to Aryan today. I was finishing up the last touches of my makeup when their was a knock on the door.

The door opened and my whole family came in.

"OMG, my babygirl is all grown up and so beautiful" dad said as he wiped his tears. They were all wearing suits. The colour was burgundy.

"Thank you dad." i said as i had tears in my eyes.

I started to sob. Everyone looked at me and smiled.

"What's wrong kiddo?" they asked. I shook my head and dad sat me down on my bed while he crouched down infront of me.

"Hey, babygirl. Look at me?" dad said softly. I looked at him.

"Dad, i'm gonna miss you guys all, especially mom." i said and hugged him. He hugged me back and i hugged my brothers. And cousins and uncle and aunt.

We started to go to the wedding venue.

We got to the venue and we were waiting for the music to start. My dad was going to walk me down the aise.

Suddenly the doors opened and we started to walk.

I looked towards Aryan and he looked so handsome. His brothers behind him.

Aryan POV

When the doors opened Elena and her dad came walking down the aisle.

Her dad forwarded Elena's hand towards mine.

"Take care of my babygirl." Elena's dad said. I nodded and smiled towards him.

Once he sat down. The priest started

We are gathered here today to witness the union of Aryan and Elena . Welcome friends and family! We're glad to have you with us.

Today is the beginning of a remarkable journey for this couple. Drawing on their mutual admiration, respect, and trust, they are ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives. We celebrate the love and light evident in their relationship, and wish them well on this joyous occasion. I will now invite the couple to share their vows with one another. Aryan and Elena , the promises you make today are sacred; they are the groundwork from which your marriage will grow and blossom over time.

Aryan and Elena , I invite you to express your sacred vows to one another. Please face each other as you declare these vows before God and in the presence of your family and friends.

Aryan, you may start.

I, Aryan King, take you, Elena , to be my lawfully wedded Wife. I promise to keep you by my side through good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you, honor you, and love you for the rest of my days, until death do us part.

Elena , now is the time for your promise.

I, Elena , take you, Aryan, to be my lawfully wedded Husband. I promise to keep you by my side through good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you, honor you, and love you for the rest of my days, until death do us part.

Aryan and Elena , please join hands. Under the eyes of God, Aryan, do you take Elena to be your lawfully wedded Wife? Do you promise to support her completely and love her unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?

Aryan: I do.

Under the eyes of God, Elena , do you take Aryan to be your lawfully wedded Husband? Do you promise to support him completely and love him unconditionally, so long as you both shall live?

Elena: i do

Aryan, you may now kiss the Bride.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor that I officially present to you Mr. and Mrs. King!!

Everyone started to cheer for us. I got emotional. The biggest thing was that i was leaving my family to live with Aryan and his family.

We got off the stage and the reception was in the evening. So we had time to change into our party clothes for the evening which is the same colour burgundy.


I had tears in my eyes. Watching as Elena got married to the love of her life. I can't believe how happy i am and i hope my wife up their can see how happy she would be knowing that her daughter got married.

The wedding was over and the reception was in the evening so we had time to rest and change to our evening clothes.

Aryan POV

Finally i can't believe it. Me and Elena got married. We went off the stage and went to our rooms to rest for a bit and then get ready for the reception. I sat down on the couch and Elena sat beside me. She started to take off her heels and winced. i looked towards her and i noticed something. Their was swelling on her feet.

"Hey Elena. What's wrong?" i asked as she winced.

"Its nothing just my feet hurt a little" she said and massaged her feet.

I got up and crouched in front of her and grabbed her feet and massaged them.

"A-Aryan what are you doing." Elena asked as she blushed.

I told her that she wouldn't wear heels for the reception but flats.

We got up and Elena's makeup person came and she did Elena's makeup and hair.

Elena POV

My makeup person came and did my makeup and hair. Once she was done. I was ready for the reception.

Everyone was waiting and they were all ready.

We drove off to the reception hall.


Hey guys so here is where i am going to end this chapter

Next chapter will be the reception.

Thanks guys.

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