Chapter 22

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Elena POV

I woke up the next morning with the suns ray coming down on our faces. Aryan started to wakeup too and we both got up and got ready and went downstairs. Everyone was already their.

"Good morning" everyone said.

"Good morning" me and Aryan said as we sat down and started to eat breakfast.

"Elena, are you excited about your first day of your new job as a photographer?" mom and dad asked.

"Y-yes. I am but kind of nervous" i said as i stuttered. I stutter when i nervous. Everytime it happens.

"You don't need to be nervous sweetheart. Just take a deep breath and your nerves will also calm down" dad said and i nodded my head.

We ate breakfast and said bye to everyone as Aryan has to go the police station for his job.

Aryan dropped me off and i hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I'll pick you up at 5. Do you have your inhaler with you just incase?" Aryan asked. I nodded my head and he smiled. He drove off and i went inside my workplace.

"Hi my name is Elena king and i am here for my job" i said to the lady at the front desk.

"Hi yes of course come with me and i'll show you to your office" the lady said and i followed her.

"The manager wants to speak with you. So i'll take you to her" the lady said and i nodded my head.

She knocked on the door and we heard a come in.

"I have Elena king here for her job" the lady said and the manager got up and smiled at me. The front desk lady left and closed the door.

"Hey. you must be Elena. I'm so glad to meet you. I'm Michelle, your manager for your job. Come and let's sit down and chat about your job" michelle said and we both sat down.

"I got your resume and saw that your dream was to become a photographer and you graduated from university. Well your in the right place. We have different types of photographers. Which one have you chosen to do?" michelle asked as she smiled at me.

"I've chosen to do just being a photographer. Taking photos of beautiful things. I love taking photos. I love taking photos of families and everything." i said and michelle smiled.

"Of course. I think i have the perfect one for you." she said and she started to tell me about my job and how things go around here. She gave me a package to read. There are so many pages in the book. The package was thick. Michelle handed me worksheets that has all the tasks on it. Their are a lot of tasks.

"Okay so, today i am going to just show you around here and the packages and tasks i gave you to read on your own. I will let you know when to start your first task. So let's go and i'll show you around" we both got up and michelle started to show me around the place where i was going to be working.

She showed me where my office was and where i was going to be working. By the time it was 5 and i got a message from Aryan saying that he's waiting for me in the parking.

"It was so great to meet you Elena and i am excited to work with you and can't wait for your photographs. I'll send your work schedule tonight" michelle said and i nodded my head.

"It was great to meet you too" i said and we shook our hands and i started to walk with giving michelle my number and email. I got to the parking and saw Aryan waiting in the car for me.

"Hey, how was your first day of your job.?" he asked as he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"It was okay. The manager just showed me around today and gave me a thick package and tasks. She told me about the job" i said and smiled at him. He nodded his head.

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