Chapter 4

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Trying to backtrack from my lost temper, I reach down and scoop up the remnants of his now destroyed phone.

"Um, here," I nervously stretch out my hand for him to take it.

I jump as his meaty hands instantly grab my wrists, the shards of electronics falling back to the floor. His oversized palm easily holding, not just my hand but all the way up to my lower forearm, in a sweaty hold.

Startled, and extremely uncomfortable, I look up and give him a glare.

The man's lips are slightly parted, his eyes seeming glazed over with a look of...something. Honestly, I was so done with this man and didn't want to waste any more time trying to figure him out.

"What's your name?" he asks, in barely a whisper, eyes quickly darting over my face, trying to scan over all my features in quick, repeated succession.

If my frown could get any deeper, it did.

"Why, so when you call the cops they can put my name and face on the news?" I ask really irritated and begin trying to wriggle my wrist out of his grasp.

The man's face immediately drops and he has the decency to look ashamed.

"That wasn't...I didn't know...I mean there was no way to..." he stutters, sounding slightly out of breath, and wheezy. 

I roll my eyes, not paying attention to whatever bullshit was spilling from his mouth. More focused on trying to get my arm back into my possession. The man was strong, like super strong, it was now to the point where I was having to resort to subtly trying to jerk my whole body away from him to break his hold.

Dude, what kind of body-building Buddha regimen was this man on!?

By now I'd had enough. Remembering there were two people in this group, I look around the man's torso to try and make eye contact with the other man. The guy's friend was equally as terrifying, large frame and tall build he was a tank in his own right although there were subtle differences. Goon two had longer hair that reached the tops of his shoulders with smatterings of grey streaks on his head, as opposed to goon one who seemed to keep his hair above his ears. Goon two also had a very large scar obscuring most of the left side of his face. Although he wasn't terrible looking now, eliminating the wrinkles and the previous injury would suggest that he had been mainstream handsome in his younger days.

Unfortunately for me, the guy's face was trapped in a frozen state of shock watching the scene in front of him.

I guess it's hard to act competently when there seems to be one brain cell shared between the two Neanderthals.

"Hey, buddy, could you control your friend here?" I ask, annoyed.

Snapping out of his stupor, goon two gently places a hand on goon one's shoulder. 

Instantly, goon one tightens his grip painfully around me, yanking my whole body towards him. My head bangs against his chest jarring my already growing headache and the rumbling I hear echo through his chest doesn't help much either.

"Dude! Let go!" I yell, my voice muffled by the wall of flesh smashing my face. My one arm was still being held secure in the guy's grip and my other hand is now pinned to my side. Desperate to escape I resort to just wiggling my whole body, thrashing around to try and get loose.

Instantly, I'm released and my anger comes back in full force.

"You think you can file for harassment over a spilled drink!? Wait until I get a chance to talk to the police because holding me without my consent, against my will is actual fucking harassment!" I yell at the man trying to straighten my shirt.

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