Chapter 13

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There was another moment of silence as the frozen crowd continued to stare before everyone seemed to resume whatever they were previously doing.

"Maybe they heard you were gonna do a strip show?" Kels asks, trying to lighten the mood.

I give a dry laugh, "Bitch, do not joke about testing my lack of inhibitions, because it doesn't take much encouragement for me to jump up on this table naked." 

Her only response is to chuck the paper food bag at my face. I give a light-hearted laugh as I easily dodge the crumpled item.

"Besides they couldn't afford the show I could give them." 

It's Kelsey's turn to laugh as she nods in agreement, "You're probably right."

In the corner of the cafeteria, I spotted a soda machine and decided that an energy drink sounded really good right now. Picking up Evie I shove her onto Kelsey's lap. 

"Here, take the beast. I'm going to quickly grab an energy drink," I tell her, already digging into my pocket for my wallet.

Kels gives me a slight glare, "How many energy drinks have you had today?"

I shrug, "This is only my second one." 

Her glare hardens.

I sigh, "My second this hour," I mumble, knowing she's going to get mad. 

Her eyes widen, and as I predicted they fill with anger, "Brayden! You're going to have a heart attack if you're not careful!" she scolds.

I just wave off her concern as I stand up, not wanting to get into another argument about my poor sleeping habits or newfound addiction to caffeine. The last few months I had really increased my intake of caffeine products as my time for sleep had slowly been diminishing. Kels has tried to offer help, or provide me with supplements, but what I really needed was more time. There just never seemed to be enough time in the day to do all the jobs I was currently doing. If I could just clone another one of me, then maybe I could finally get some sleep. Or having someone else able to take on a part of the parenting load, would be ideal. 

I slowly saunter over to the soda machine, having to cross the entire cafeteria floor to get to it.  There are numerous, round tables scattered around the room, that I deftly try and weave my way through. It was a typical cafeteria, the food line to one side of the room, painted cinder block walls in a puke-ish brown, and speckled white tile. There was the familiar brightly colored plastic seating that every cafeteria seemed to own that was the only source of color to the otherwise dull room. And it was obvious that each large, round table had a particular clique sitting at it. The last observation made me slightly sad, as I know that means Kelsey hasn't connected with any group yet. While she is normally fine being a loner it's always nice to be an outsider with someone else. 

 Unlike when I first walked in, everyone seems to be minding their own business, and with nothing more than a few quick glances in my direction, I make it to my destination without any issues. It doesn't take me long to find the sugary drink I want, and I pull out my dollar bill eagerly insert it into the machine. While I wait, I also notice some peanut butter crackers and debate on whether or not to get those too. Seeing as Evie had eaten my lunch for herself, I was now beginning to notice my own hunger. Glancing at my wallet I see I don't have another dollar bill.

Guess it's just another meal of caffeine then.

The sputtering of the machine catches my attention and I notice my dollar being rejected. 

Goddamn it!

Taking the bill back I try and gently smooth out the corners as well as any wrinkles before trying to slide it back in.

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