Chapter 5

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I feel a hand grab my shoulder.


Whipping my head around I see my Beta staring at me with shock and worry.

Well why wouldn't he be worried, we were fucked.

I look at my best friend and companion with desperation.

"Aiden, what have I done?" I am barely able to rasp out.

I feel sick. Worse than sick. Turning away from Aiden I actually start to dry-heave in the checkout line. My chest constricts, and my throat burns as bile tries to rise from within. Tears begin streaming down my face; although I don't know if it's from getting sick or from the horror of this morning's interaction. My knees turn to jelly, as I can no longer hold myself upright. Grabbing the conveyer I try to steady myself as my lungs go into overdrive with the beginnings of hyperventilating.

Like a bad tape, the fear and disgust from my mate's face have ingrained themselves into my head. The fear of my behavior. The actual, physical anxiety rolled off of him in waves. The way he stood in front of his children, to protect them from me, seeing me as a threat to his pups. He even went so far as to send them out of my presence for their safety.

Strong hands grab my arm and try to help straighten my pathetic form up. Aiden lets me lean on him, lending me his strength as all of mine had been drained. After a while, I'm able to stand up on my own and my breathing has leveled out to a normal pace. 

"It'll be ok, Alpha," he tries to quietly comfort. Probably trying to not send me reeling in a storm of turmoil again, "Luna did talk to you afterward a little bit, and he didn't immediately run away, so that's something." 

Great, the bar of how I'm doing as a mate is based on the fact that my mate didn't run screaming from me. 

"Although..." Aiden trails off. His face pinches in confusion, lips were drawn in a thin line, eyes elsewhere as he gathers his thoughts, "was it just me, or did he look familiar." 

"He looked perfect," I sighed, and it was true bright eyes and smooth skin with a thick head of hair. I couldn't wait till my fingers could get tangled in his locks, his blue eyes scorching into mine as his skin flushed and full lips parted in ecstasy. 

Aiden, shakes his head in dismissal, "Yeah, my bad, just bad deja-vu after a long patrol last night." 

As I move my arm, I hear a rattle and realize I'm still fisting the bottle of medicine. Concern immediately fills me as I remember my mate taking a handful in earnest. 

Was he sick? Overworked? What if he was out there needing care or help!?

"He's sick," I rasp out staring at the bottle with rage as if it was the fault of my mate's pain.

Aiden nods, "I don't know if he was sick, but he definitely looked to be in rough shape."

I nod solemnly, gripping the bottle of pills so tightly the casing begins to crack, "I'll go see Dr. Monroe later today so that he can keep an eye out for if my mate goes to the hospital and maybe obtain some more information about him." 

Not wanting to be in the store any longer than necessary, I decided it was best we leave. 

Walking out the door I can't help but think that we weren't supposed to even be shopping in the first place. Normally, groceries are delivered to me by another pack member, but today Aiden said that his mate had run out of eggs to make a new recipe, and thought it would be easier to just run and grab it himself. I offered to join him as it was a rare instance to discuss work on a Sunday morning. 

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