Chapter 24

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The woman is taller, with a lean frame, and long limbs. She has sharp edges from her pointed elbows to her angular face that proudly displays her prominent cheekbones. Her skin is very pale, starkly contrasting her deep frown lines and making the under circles beneath her eyes stand out. Her short red hair has some greying and makes her hazel eyes look a little dull. While she was attractive in her way, there was an atmosphere of weariness that seemed to surround her, making her look older than her late thirties features suggested.

"I'm so sorry," I say, completely embarrassed by the situation, "this is our first time here and I promise we won't disturb you anymore."

I try to stand up and grab Evie, but Charlotte doesn't move off my lap and instead buries her head further into my chest. Due to this, I'm forced to reach up with only one arm to snatch Evie from the woman.

Evie begins climbing up my arm and wraps her chubby arms around my head. 

"We'll try to keep it down for the rest of the service," I joke with a smile.

While I'm talking Charlie decides to join Charlotte and climbs on my lap situating himself on my legs. I wince at the added weight, but can't push him off as Charlotte has my right arm pinned and Evie is now trying to stand on my left arm. I try to continue talking to the woman, but when I try to speak sticky toddler fingers immediately fill my mouth.

I feel small hands gripping my knees and look down to see Charlie desperately grabbing my pants.

"Don't worry Bray, I won't let you be dragged away to the underworld," Charlie says with determination, as Charlotte whimpers into my shirt.

I once again try to refute him, but my words come out in an unintelligible mess thanks to Evie's hand in my mouth.

From my side, I hear the stranger give an amused chuckle and look over at her.

The thin woman is staring at me and I'm slightly startled by the intensity of her gaze. While her face is amused, and her thin lips are pulled back into a smile, there's a tightness to her features that seem out of place. She seems to be genuinely entertained, but her eyes hold a sadness to them that makes me catch my breath for a moment.

The woman purses her lips as she just stares at me. She looks as if she is trying to probe and study me with her eyes. I don't feel offended by the long assessment, more just confused at her interest in me.

"If I could, would you mind if I clarified some things with your, uh, kids?" she asks, "They seem to be nervous about some misconceptions of this temple."

"By all means," I reply, finally able to speak. If she could get their minds off of the underworld, she could tell them whatever she wanted.

The woman's smile immediately turns a little softer, and she looks behind me to the line of children.

"I couldn't help but overhear that you all were concerned about the afterlife. I just wanted to say that unlike the Greek mythology of our Goddess, we don't believe she tortures any of her children; rather, the more faithful we are in our lives the closer we are to her when we pass on," the woman slowly explains, "Therefore, the less faithful you are in your life, the farther you will be from her presence."

Kelsey lets out a small scoff, "So there's even classism in the afterlife?"

The woman pauses and assesses Kelsey, although the older female doesn't seem detoured by the sudden question.

"We believe that everyone will have equal peace," she responds passively, "the closer you are to the Goddess in your faith while living is how close you'll be to her in the afterlife. Essentially she gives you as much of her presence as you desire. We believe that everyone will have peace, although an individual's interpretation of peace is unique to them."

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