Chapter 10

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My first shift at the hospital had been pretty mundane. Besides my evening encounter with Mr. Radcliffe, and his insufferable presence during the tour.

God the man was just terrible to be around. Throughout most of the tour, I tried to focus on all the information Dr. Monroe was telling me about the hospital. Memorizing the new hallways, policies, procedures, and the names of an occasional worker were really putting my poor memory through the wringer. 

And Damien's presence wasn't helping. 

While I was trying to put all of my attention into work, I could feel the large man try and sneakily get as close to me as he possibly could while we walked. Most times he was so close that I could feel the heat from his large form begin to warm my back before I would try to inconspicuously move to the other side of Dr. Monroe. And it just got weirder from there.

After helping a little girl Mr. Radcliffe had given me some serious bedroom eyes... 

He wasn't even trying to be subtle! The older man had looked at me with his dark eyes as if he was ready for me to drop to my knees so we could ravish each other on the tiled floor. 

I scoff thinking about the encounter. 

What, like I don't know what fucking sex eyes look like?! I've known how to give a sultry look since I was fucking twelve!

Damien's stare was honestly so sick I had to stop myself from audibly laughing at the demented man. There was no doubt that Damien was attractive. He was well built and physically sexy in all the right places with tan skin and dark hair. In a cliche dominant way. 

But that was it. 

Growing up with my mom, I saw my fair share of any type of man enter our home, and even more wander the strip club at night after mom's performances. A good body was a dime a dozen and didn't mean shit to me. Money and status were also something that I had seen before, in some of the men who had implored mom's services. However, everyone knew a good client was a reliable one. If this was a year ago, and wintertime and our family was starving for more food and heat;  Mr. Radcliffe's inconsistencies would be enough of a turn-off for me to not add him to my rota. 

Not to mention the fact that he's a virgin... 

It was so obvious I would almost say you could smell it from a mile away. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he fucking breathed; I could pick up on all the cues of his pathetic celibacy on our first encounter.

God, what is a middle-aged man doing as a virgin?! I didn't even know they existed. I did see a church on the edge of town, maybe it's for religious reasons?

Mom always taught us to never fuck a virgin. There's always the possibility that they'll grow emotionally attached as you're their first and expect something more than just a transaction. Or their inexperience could be dangerous. If they were into more exotic types of role-play injury to both parties could ensue if they didn't know how to properly dominate or use a safe word. Therefore, I wouldn't touch Damien with a fifty-foot pole, let alone be interested in a mutual booty call. I mean, while he's attractive now, the poor man is aging, the least he could do is offer experience in bed to his partner. 

After noticing his particular stare, I couldn't help but experience the all too familiar feeling of being objectified. While I was no longer actively working the streets, being a whore was something that was literally bred into me. Not the want or need for sex, but the training of spotting a mark, and being able to give them exactly what they wanted in bed came naturally to me. Mom had always made it clear that sex was always about the mark. You were to become the object the individual desired, and fulfill what they wanted. Never make it about you. While you could get released during the encounter, it was solely about the mark.

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