Chapter 12

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It didn't take long for the six of us to settle into a semi-stable routine in Rocky Falls. After moving on Sunday, and my first shift Sunday night, the first day of school had arrived for the kids. The morning was hectic, full of tears, and screaming. Someone had forgotten a lunch, a book, or their gym shoes, which meant that had I spent most of the day running back and forth with Evie to and from the various schools. 

The next couple of days had mostly leveled out. Mornings had become a little less of a circus, and I was able to unpack all the boxes while tinkering with some chores around the house. 

It was now lunchtime on Thursday, and I found myself right outside a set of high school cafeteria doors. Today had been rough. So rough that I had called it quits by eleven and decided that Evie and I needed some fresh air, and decided to visit Kelsey during her lunch break. 

Opening the doors, the familiar sound of cafeteria chatter and the scent of greasy food immediately overwhelmed my senses. Walking through the double doors, I scanned the room until I saw a familiar figure hunched over by herself in the back corner. With a baby on my hip and a bag of tacos in my other hand I make my way through the maze of tables and students. 

I tried not to notice how with each table I passed the noise in the cafeteria seemed to diminish. I mean I know I'm no longer a high schooler, but I didn't think I would be enough of an anomaly entering the school to stop a conversation. I'm only nine-fucking-teen, although I am heading towards the big double decade, maybe I'm not as cool as I think I am? Do I look like one of those lame parents coming to visit their kids? I didn't think so. I was currently in a pair of casual jeans with a tight-fitting black t-shirt, allowing the tattoos on my left arm to be on full display.

I thought I looked like the cool older brother rather than the awkward dad. I had even tied the outfit together with a pair of dark sunglasses.

Ah, that's it!

Realizing I still have my sunglasses on I quickly push them on top of my head. 

There, I bet that's what was so weird.

After my embarrassing mistake is fixed, I get up right behind Kelsey. I notice that she has her earbuds in, and isn't able to hear anything going on around her. Taking the opportunity, I reach out with my free hand and pinch her side. 

"Ahhh!" she screams, quickly spinning around and hitting my hand. Her eyes are wide and her dark hair peeks out from her gray hoodie in a frazzled way. Her reaction was better than I had hoped for.

I begin laughing my ass off, as I try to keep Evie balanced on my hip and not drop the bag of food. 

Kelsey's cheeks flame with embarrassment. Her brown eyes narrow with contempt and she brings her mouth up into a deep scowl.

"What the hell, Brayden!" she spits out, her hands balled at her sides.

I try to catch my breath, but it's not easy and I am painfully crouched over on the floor from laughing so hard. I missed this with Kels. We are the closest in age, and I used to be every bit as any other stereotypical older brother. I loved to tease and annoy her, but the last few months we have both had to take on the role of semi-parents. This back and forth banter with light teasing felt really good.

Just as she is about to take a swing at me I quickly hold up the bag of fast food.

"Wait! I bring a peace offering!" I yell, using the paper bag as a shield. 

Kels stops her arm, still squinting at me before quickly snatching the bag for herself. 

I gave her a taunting smile before joining her at her table and set Evie on my knee gently bouncing her. 

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