chapter 3

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I lay next to Ambrose, him reading one of his favourite human books and me trying to get some of my work that Father Blackwood sent today completed. Key emphasis on 'trying', this was stuff that I wouldn't have been studying at the academy for at least another 5 years.

What I liked about Father Blackwood is that he always challenged me, pushed me to do better because he knew how great I could be. One of the only people who took notice of me. I could easily pass all my classes but he always kept me thinking, getting me to working hard.

"Ambrose?" I questioned in a confused voice. "Yes El?" He asked looking up from his book and over my shoulder to see the work I had done in curiosity. "What exactly does this say? I know it is in the ancient tongue of Dahana but I haven't seen this combination of symbols yet."

He looked at the sentence I indicated and squinted for a moment before what looked like realisation hit me. "That El is a passage written before the tongue had fully developed, the çñßv means 'demon' while ûīë means 'spawn' so this passage refers to..."

Before he continued I wrote down the translation while speaking, "It is referring to the old misconceptions that witches and spawns of Satan risen on earth." Ambrose just laughed, he was used to my mind working at a thousand miles a minute.

I let out a exasperated huff and closed the book before throwing myself onto Ambrose. That ended up with me being pushed on the floor and him tickling me to death. The best person in the world.

Ambrose's pov:
I read my book but was not focused on the words on the page, instead I was focused on the girls sitting next to me. She was working on her work that father Blackwood had sent to her, She was the smartest person I knew and she walked through over 7 years of work in the academy. What truly astounded me though was not just her knowledge but how she used it. Not only could she tell you exactly how to do a conjuring which you could also conjure a demon, I had watched her do it when she was 12.

I don't understand why the rest of our family wouldn't accept her, would only ignore her and push her away. She had done nothing wrong to any of them, they haven't even given her a chance. I did like Sabrina but I just couldn't stand the way she treated her own twin, how everything was about her and how our aunties loved her but not El?

Since the day I found her in my room, she became my everything. She'd become like a daughter to me, I wouldn't trade her for the world. I remember doing her first spell with her, I remember teaching her everything I knew.

"Ambrose?" She questioned in a confused voice. "Yes El?" I asked sitting up and looking up from my book. I peered over her shoulder to see what she was doing. "What exactly does this say? I know it is in the ancient tongue of Dahana but I haven't seen this combination of symbols yet."

I scrutinised the sentence she was looking at. I squinted for a moment before realisation hit me. I laughed, father Blackwood really had her working on things this hard. "That El is a passage written before the tongue had fully developed, the çñßv means 'demon' while ûīë means 'spawn' so this passage refers to..."

Before I could continue to explain what the context around it was, she started writing something down while speaking. "It is referring to the old misconceptions that witches and spawns of Satan risen on earth." I just laughed, i was used to her antics and habits. Her brain worked faster and harder than could be communicated verbally.

After she finished writing she let out an exasperated huff and closed the book before throwing herself onto me. It ended up with me pushing her onto the floor and tickling her until she begged for mercy. My little sunshine.

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