Chapter 23

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Eleanora's Pov

I slept throughout the night only to be awoken by Prudence giving me a little nudge. "Come on, I have a suprise little sister." She smiled softly and pulled me up. I could help a gruble at being woken up at such a godly hour. Prudence let out a laugh at my annoyance.

Still half asleep she pulled me along long corridors to a door down in the depths of the school. I turned to prudence confused while she kept her contented smile.

"What are we doing in the witches cell sis?" She didn't answer and just opened the door and it took me a second to register the sight.

My sister, my twin, sitting in the cell, her harrowing. My stomach tightened as I turned back to my sister in everything but blood.
"You can't be serious P, this will kill her. I may to put it lightly hate her but I don't wish her dead." Tears came to my eyes, I hated my sister made me weak, I may of given up hope that she would ever love me but that didn't change the fact that I loved her.

I hated myself for it but I had always believed that we could be sisters, she might not be as close as I am to Ambrose but he cared for Sabrina.
Ambrose would care about her if she was a horrible person, if she really hated me.

I felt P pull me into a hug and started apologising prefusly for upsetting me but never for the actions. I understood though, she hated my sister more than I did for the emotional pain she put me through.

Prudence led me back to the bed, tucked me in and snuggled with me to cheer me up.

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