Chapter 7

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Snake talking

Ambrose POV:

I sat next to El watching Sabrina go up against Aunt Zelda, it was very entertaining.   Zelda then turned on aunt Hilda about how it was her idea to send Sabrina to a mortal school. Pitch then left El's lap and slithered around my neck, she then started talking in my ear. My little Devil didn't have a normal familiar, Pitch was special. Pitch could talk to people and send images to their minds, I also might have forgotten to mention just how protective the mamba is of Eleanora.

"She wantsss- to go upstairsssss- to read." That was all I needed to know from the familiar to whisper in El's ear, "why don't you grab a book and we can go read on the front porch, I will meet you there?"

My sunshine turned to me with a huge smile before running out of the kitchen to grab, knowing her, a very long and ancient book. This caused a small smile to spread on my lips, seeing her so happy and bright was everything I needed. If I had to choose between my freedom from house arrest or her happiness, I would choose her without a second thought.

I ignored the continuous fighting between Aunt Zelda and Sabrina, picked up a cup of coffee and wanted on the front porch for El. I waited all but 30 seconds before she ran out with a stack of three huge books.

She saw my bemused smile and let out a dramatic huff before trying to explain the stack of books in her hands. "I need them all, I have almost finished with 'Binding Rituals: the history and development' so after that I need to read the biography of the author and when I have done that I need to have something else to read. Then I randomly chose 'Herbalism: the reactions of herbs with magic'."

I laughed and we sat down on the deck to read when Sabrina walked out. I looked up from my book but there was no pulling El out of a book unless it is about a chance to use magic for fun. "Let me ask you, the spell we cast on Hawthorn last night, you enjoyed that?" I needed to make Sabrina see some sense so I put my book down and turned to face her.

"From that glint in your eye, you loved it." Sabrina responded with, "Yes of course." Now I could go somewhere. "You realise that your gift, that euphoria fades to nothing if you are not baptized."

"I know, I just need to be sure."

El then looked up from her book and directly at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes, "Well dear twin you would need a 'malum malus', that wonderful apple will give you the answer to all your questions." I had to suppress a laugh, I didn't call her Little Devil for nothing.


What will happen at the he dark baptism?

Why is Eleanora ignored by her aunts and twin? Any guesses, please comment.

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