chapter 24

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Eleanor's pov

I woke my bes friend's cuddle, I alway cherished just how loved she made me feel. She was like an older sister, perhaps more like a guiding mother at times. She apart from Ambrose was one of the only people that had made me feel special, to feel accepted for who I was.

With her gentle nudges to get out of bed, I finally found the strength in my tired bones to move me out of bed. However all I did was roll onto the floor as my bones decided while they had enough strength to move me, they did not have enough for me to stand up.

Groaning and slightly wincing at the pain I heard the muffled snickers of the three sisters and decided the my just retribution would be to launch my pillow way the three of them.
Dorcas squealed but moved out of the way of my attack, still laughing to my embarrassment. I was saved by Pruedance waving them out the door and hauling my body off the floor.

"Really? For a powerful witch I expected you to be able to magically wake yourself up in the morning and have working limbs." She scoffed, I only laughing causing her to smile.
I finally got up and ready, luckily there were no classes today so I decided to go to the library and then shopping. No matter my hatred for ordinary humans, they did run marvellous shops.

I got dressed and caught Pruedence just as she was about to leave. I hugged her and she smiled down at me.

"You El look cute, now go have some fun

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"You El look cute, now go have some fun. Don't spend your entire day in the library, my Aggy and Dorc have a few things to do so we will be back late, ok?"
I smiled, she really did hate my preselection to secluded myself in the books for hours, sometimes days. She and Ambrose use to have to tag team on whos job it was to peal me away from books so I would eat, like that was really necessary.

With an eye roll I reassured her that I would do other things. She left a hug later, I grabbed my shoes and was about to head out to the library.

Though I never made it to my destination, as I looked into my mirror one last time I say Him.

The Devil, Satan, Dark Lord, anti-christe, whatever you wanted to call him. He was half goat, half human and dripping in blood.
I locked eyes with him in the mirror, they were dark, beautiful, knowledgeable and so out of place.

Like a heartbeat, his hoofs thumped against the wooden floor, I kept eye contact in the reflection but knelt. His power was grand but it didn't feel oppressive, out of my free will I knelt to signify the respect I have for him.
I had heard my aunt Zelda talk about her encounters with the Dark Lord as frightening and that she felt compelled to obey his every command.

The powerful fallen angel placed a hand on my shoulder and began to ask me something of which I had not expected.
"Good evening my Eleanor, how are you feeling?"

I felt a breath escape me, this was not what I had expected. It was such a simple yet loaded question, why would he of all beings ask me how I was? I thought about my response for a second.
"I am feeling well Dark lord, I thank you for the power you have granted me. However I feel uncertain."

"What about my dear? Why do you doubt my capabilities?" It was not asked in anger but out of nothing but curiousity.
"Though the power you have given is strong, I wonder why My Lord and I know others have too. I feel anamosity from all directions and and taste their palpable malice."

I had kept that from my sisters, they were already protective, they did not need to know the hate I have felt directed like hell fire since entering the Academy.
I knew I could hold my own against others my age but I was not arrogant or too full of hubris to know that I was not unbeatable.
Many older warlocks and witches have had centuries to live, learn and acuminate power of which I could not dream.

"Do not worry Eleanor, I will make sure you are safe from any that intended you harm."

My anxiety suddenly settled and I felt myself go calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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