chapter 6

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Eleanora pov

We sat in a circle around the cage of spiders. I dropped in the picture of  principal hawthorn. Ambrose again, checked if she was sure she didn't want him dead. I sniggered next to him, all Sabrina did would give me a scathing look.

Sabrina and Ambrose began to chant, "spider, o spider, pray why do you spin you're pretty white webs so fine and so thin? To catch fat flies and make them into pies. Spider, o spider, pray,  do you not see? Here comes a big buzzing blubbering bee."

I then chanted, " He'll spoil your fine net while you fume and you fret, but no mercy you grant and no mercy you'll get."

Once we were finished Sabrina walked out of Ambrose's room while I burst out laughing and Ambrose did the same. My familiar came in and wrapped around my forearm, I yawned so Ambrose picked me up and tucked me into his bed. The last words I hear were, "Goodnight my little Devil, have an amazing sleep." However the words weren't from Ambrose, they were from a female voice but I was unconscious before I could register anything.

October 29th
I woke up and dressed in a nice but casual outfit.

Wednesday October 29thI woke up and dressed in a nice but casual outfit

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"What do you think Pitch, I rather like this dress." My familiar hissed in approval. I was stood Infront of my mirror finding an outfit while Pitch was curled on my bed watching me.

I then picked one of the many pairs of high heel boots I have in my wardrobe. Most of my family may not acknowledge my existence but that didn't mean I was low on money.

I was a very beautiful girl if I do say so myself, I had bright blue eyes which were like ice and snow coloured hair

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I was a very beautiful girl if I do say so myself, I had bright blue eyes which were like ice and snow coloured hair. My looks were the only reason I could believe that I was related to Sabrina at all.

I loved my style and my facial features, they made me unique and stand out among other  witches

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I loved my style and my facial features, they made me unique and stand out among other  witches. I grabbed my Pitch and walked downstairs.

Before I even entered the kitchen I heard Zeldas voice coming from inside. "I don't understand you, niece. You'd rather have a feral familiar than one bred for service?" That is when I decided to make my entrance. Zelda, Sabrina and Ambrose were all looking at my sister's new familiar. A back cat who she had sommened yesterday.

My snake familiar hissed at it causing it the jump for where it was eating into Sabrina's arms and start hissing at me. For the first time in years Zelda looked at me so did Sabrina and Ambrose. "What is that creature doing in this house?" She practically shouted.

"This is my familiar Zelda, I have had him since I was very young. It appears he doesn't like the new familiar in the house."

Zelda didn't even give a response beyond scowling at me in distaste and turning back to the cat now in my twin's arms. Ambrose however came over to and gave me a hug, I kissed him on the cheek while Pitch licked him on the cheek. Pitch loved Ambrose.

Ambrose sat back down and I ploppled myself next to him. They just carried on their conversation about the new familiar like nothing had ever happened, Pitch sat in my lap and got comfy.

"Salem doesn't serve me, aunt Zee. We're in a partnership. He'll protect me, I'll protect him."

Just then Hilda walked in and put another mason jar of turquoise liquid next to my sister. "Drink up, darling. I put a bit of cinnamon in this time."

"Why did you name him Salem of all things?" Zelda interjected before Hilda could say anything more. My twin replied with, " I didn't. He named himself Salem."
I understood what she ment, Pitch named himself too.

"At least you have your familiar now. And you are purifying yourself. Yeah, you're almost ready for your baptism." Hilda couldn't keep excitement out of her voice when she said baptism, it was an exciting time for anyone.

"About that. So, I'm in the middle of getting this club started at school." My sister anounced.

"Club? what kind of club?" Zelda asked.

" Women protecting women you know, sort of like a coven. Anyway, I was wondering if we could maybe, possibly postpone my baptism a little bit."

I couldn't keep my scoff in this time, she really wanted to be apart of the mortal world so much that she would risk getting through out by the coven? Unbelievable, Zelda seemed to share my sentenent and in a shocked voice said, "Postpone it?"

Hilda muttered something under her breath that I couldn't make out. "Sabrina, you cannot postpone your 16th birthday, especially not when it falls on the eclipsing of a blood moon Which only occurs once every 66 years." Zelda sounded outraged and rightfully so. I looked at Ambrose beside me, he was silently watching the whole ordeal. He noticed me looking at him and tucked me under his arm while we both continue to watch.

Hilda tried to defuse the situation before it got out of hand, " if it's just about a club, dear--"

Sabrina was persistent though and kept talking but in a softer voice now. "It's not, Aunt Hilda. It's also the Harvey of it all."

Now that was her mortal boyfriends name, Harvey not Harley but I was close so I give myself credit. "We very recently took things to the next level."

"He hasn't defiled you has he?" Zelda said in horror at the thought. Sabrina gave them a pleading look. "Witch law forbids novitiates from being anything less than virginal." Zelda finally stops her rant.

Next to me Ambrose let out a loud, "Oh, wow." Causing me to loudly snort at his comment. He picked up a piece of bacon from my plate and began munching on it.

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